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*** Uncle Vit - Selling 4-Arrow Shaft ***

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  • Never heard of a prime cue, but GBL cues are very very high quality


    • Craftsman or Cuecraft sell a Prime cue. I think it's Craftsman but i can't be 100% sure


      • Yeah its Craftsman, just had a look


        • Yeah Craftsman do indeed sell Prime cues. I was lead to believe that they are the exact same cues that GBL also get from Thailand. They are about the same price and have the same intricate splice work. Very nice cues. Was just curious if anyone knew for sure.


          • ok im out at work typing on my phone so sorry if i mistakes
            ive had 2 cues off suvit one that the workshop made a suvit sold me, and one i orderd to be made a "c" brand cue.

            the first cue had a replica picture badge the splice work was great and i saw in the pics the badge was different but bought it because the rest of the cue looked smick, i refinished it and a good friend of mine has it now it was love at first sight for him.

            the second cue i ordered a tournament grade maple shaft with jet black ebony butt the cue came late but it was due to the flooding and no one can control mother nature suvit emailed me keeping me updated on what was going one once again the butt was lacquered but i just acetoned it off and oiled it and its a great looking cue and a top player

            i agree the lacquered butt is not my taste but its was only a 30 min job to remove so it didn't bother me, i would order another cue off suvit and i've recommended him to friend for his "c" brand made to order cues



            • Originally Posted by poolqjunkie View Post
              I think--but I do not have any first hand knowledge--what he might be saying is that this workshop is doing some work for another company (may be one in the UK) and this workshop does not want him to "spill the beans" as this may cause the workshop some potential trouble in terms of their relationship with this company. Just my guess.
              poolqjunkie : Just to say Happy New Year to you. Wish you all the best in 2012. Can't comment on anything
              It's in the Shaft


              • Originally Posted by jay_j View Post
                ok im out at work typing on my phone so sorry if i mistakes
                ive had 2 cues off suvit one that the workshop made a suvit sold me, and one i orderd to be made a "c" brand cue.

                the first cue had a replica picture badge the splice work was great and i saw in the pics the badge was different but bought it because the rest of the cue looked smick, i refinished it and a good friend of mine has it now it was love at first sight for him.

                the second cue i ordered a tournament grade maple shaft with jet black ebony butt the cue came late but it was due to the flooding and no one can control mother nature suvit emailed me keeping me updated on what was going one once again the butt was lacquered but i just acetoned it off and oiled it and its a great looking cue and a top player

                i agree the lacquered butt is not my taste but its was only a 30 min job to remove so it didn't bother me, i would order another cue off suvit and i've recommended him to friend for his "c" brand made to order cues

                Thank You Jay, and a Happy New Year. Those are great shafts and took me weeks to finally find it
                It's in the Shaft


                • Originally Posted by hunter101 View Post
                  I don't know if i'm on the correct track here, but it seems to me that the following is happening.

                  The cues are made by an external company with little or no supervision from you. And now you're spilling the beans it will cut down their potential orders from other companies.

                  If this is the case You and your nieces have been selling cues on here under falsified information. Or at least that's the way it looks to me. I could be barking up the wrong tree, so just ignore me if i am. It all sounds very sketchy though.
                  Thank You for your kind comment Hunter101. That cue is made by my workshop, they just asked me to help sell it. My mistake not to ask Nong to check through before shipment. She was just checking the shaft and the butt works. My fault, not hers. Again, Thanks for comment, and a Happy New Year
                  It's in the Shaft


                  • Originally Posted by Izzyfcuk View Post
                    Long story short

                    1. Placed an order in Oct - Exp delivery in Dec....Floods fine

                    2. Oct - Suvit, Dec to Jan - Kwan/Nong

                    3. Paid full, gave shipping address in Oct/Dec, Now telling me sending out Feb asking me to confirm HK address, WTF, im in Singapore
                    Same problem going for me..

                    I made an order for a "C-cue" during mid November dealing with Kwan..

                    BEFORE making payment I was told that my delivery date would be "early-mid january 2012" & I requested to be updated on the progress of my cue, pictures and was acknowledged..

                    AFTER making FULL Payment, I sent an email to Kwan on december and I was told that my ashwood is in "drying" process and I will receive it by the "end of january"..

                    When mid-January 2012 came, I asked if there is any progress or pictures for me to view which was promised (the very least I just wanted a look at the ash splices and amount of arrows). And my request for pictures was ignored for the 2nd time and told by "Nong" that Kwan/Uncle was away for holiday and she would be handling things at the moment. And she told me that my cue would be ready by FEBRUARY this time.

                    So I asked for a confirmation on delivery date because Kwan already changed my delivery date twice and it is unethical to promise me a date after another and she tells me shes going to check with the workshop and it will be by "end of january".

                    As of now, I still have no PICTURES on how my ashwood splices look like, what more trying to receive my cue by "end of january" as promised?


                    • would you rather they spend time taking pictures of half finished cues or actually making and finishing them? taking pics is probably the 200th on the list of 'things to do'...
                      Unclevit C Brand - CueGuru Tip.


                      • So you're trying to say that it is fine for a consumer to pay the full amount for a product and then receive no news about it and get postponed delivery dates?


                        • Yes. Happens all the time.
                          Unclevit C Brand - CueGuru Tip.


                          • Alright then. You sir, can have your own decision in that if you are purchasing YOUR cue.

                            But currently Sir, the purchase is made by ME, and the cash is MINE yes? So it doesn't concern you if I want the pictures or not, and wait for another postponed delivery date.. Cause its NOT YOURS to pay for, wait for, and looked at.


                            • Hardly 'postoned' tho is it.. come on.


                              • Originally Posted by sanman View Post
                                strange that to all of this unclevit hasnt replied as yet but again he is a very busy man. As he did say selling cues is more of a hobby than a business or maybe that has changed i dont really know but from all of my dealings with him he has been above board. He even fixed a crack on one of the cues that I bought free of charge even though it was my fault to begin with. I have bought 6 cues from him in the past and all of them were good. The cues that were ready made came with the laquer finish which I had to refinish myself but all of the custom cues I ordered came exactly as I ordered. the same has happened with the cue ADR ordered in that it was already made and not made to custom so all in all I guess the only complaints is the hooky badge and this is not something new with unclevit as there have been numerous cases in the past where he has advertised cues with other brand name badges. He changes them on request. In this case I dont think that request was made. The last thing is the faulty brass fitting if that being the case then there is no excuse other than bad workmanship. I am not here in defence of anyone just putting forth my my bit and exeperiences with Suvit. Best though if he himself clears all of this up.
                                did i forget to request a non fake badge? next time i buy a seiko watch i hope i don't have to remind them not to brand it a rolex! on a serious note though i can't deny that with an hour or so spent on it, that it will be a nice cue, but fake badges are a big no no for me on any front, cues handbags whatever.

