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What will £400 get me?

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  • #16
    Biggest marketing budget means his brand of cues is king. They are not bad cues however, but there is more choice out there. Plus every bit fo wood is different, once mans cue of a lifetime is another mans firewood.

    Bit like health insurance you ask people who they want to be covered with and 95% say BUPA because they no no different and presume they are best.
    Unclevit C Brand - CueGuru Tip.


    • #17
      I just think too many people care how a cue looks rather than how it plays.

      Typical conversation:

      " I've got a Parris snakedwooded, olive branched, crimson veneered, maple-ash shafted, ebony butted, straight grained mother superior ultimate John shaft cue"

      "it cost me £900.00 and I knocked in a 30 the other day"!



      • #18
        Lots wouldnt like to admit it but yes, your right!
        Unclevit C Brand - CueGuru Tip.


        • #19
          I have to (sort of) agree with pottr here. I've had around 10 JP cues of all types and have sold all of them off however my first JP cue which I got somewhere around 1983 or something was the best of the lot. I just couldn't get on with the new ones for some reason.

          Right now I use a TW but have been looking for 'THE' cue for me but with no luck so far. The TW is slightly light for me at 17.7oz and I'm trying to avoid that 24-week or more wait for a custom cue.

          Terry Davidson
          IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


          • #20
            Originally Posted by perpetualboredom View Post
            It doesn't give much choice in your cues!
            Not the point.

            I'm just saying £400 gives the buyer many choices other than parris.

            Originally Posted by Johnson88 View Post
            I'm not new to snooker and I've played with some Trevor Whites, Wooldridge, Parris and hunt & o'byrne cues. But I just loved the feel of a Parris.

            So no need for sarcasm thank you
            Why didn't you say that then?

            Your post gave the impression you had little experience of other cues.

            I did not mean to come across as sarcastic, I was merely suggesting you have plenty of options of where to spend your £400 and, dare I say, get a better cue than from parris.

            However, if you've had so many cues, including hunt, white, parris and myself why are you even asking people on here?

            From that list, most forum members would have the parris bottom every time.

            But if you've tried plenty of other cues snd think that parris is for you, then I don't understand why you are asking forum members opinions.

            You liked the parris, buy a parris. It's a no brainer surely?...

            Btw, what particular cue of mine have you used? I'm just curious.
            The Cuefather.



            • #21
              What will £400 get me?

              I'm not 100% on what cue of yours it was as I didn't ask, just had a few frames with it and if your cues were a bit cheaper then I'd get one as it was nice.

              I ask for people's opinions as there are cue makers I've not heard of which may appeal to me more

              I did state I wasn't new to snooker. Just not in this thread lol so my apologies Mr Wooldridge


              • #22
                £400 will get you a good cue from several of the top makers, but it sounds like you like parris so any other will leave you wishing you had opted for the JP, no matter how good it is. Why not just go for the JP?
                For the record I've had a go with a parris ultimate and a mw shark, and mikes "budget" cue was superior, but the choice is yours.
                If you want to play the pink, but you're hampered by the red, you could always try to play the brown!


                • #23
                  Originally Posted by MikeWooldridge View Post
                  Btw, what particular cue of mine have you used? I'm just curious.
                  Tiny threadjack but what the hell....

                  Played a guy that had one of your massacar cues at the SWSA festival, was very nice indeed! Finish was so much better than my cue (pre refinish i should say, pick it up tomorrow so will judge then!).

                  Also James Cahill was using one of your 'traditional' style maple cues. Looked bloody fantastic. Great player too!
                  Unclevit C Brand - CueGuru Tip.


                  • #24
                    Well if someone could take the time to find me a few decent cues for that price range I'd appreciate it.

                    Just spent a few mins on Wooldridges Cue Wizard and designed a pucker cue, wasn't expecting £630 lol. I didn't even select many splices etc. Mike, just a genuine question, why are your cues a lot more than Parris's? It may be a stupid question (I don't know) but thought it's a good question


                    • #25
                      Johnson it was a Wooldridge Shark that you played with, you stated in another thread that you are not a fan and thought it was machine spliced....not my place to answer but compared to the JP paragon/ultimate MW cues are reasonably priced IMO


                      • #26
                        I didn't state I've played with a Shark did I? :/ I think I said I just didn't like the machine spliced look.

                        What is the waiting time Mike for a plain 3/4 Shark with no extensions, traditional butt, standard nameplate, 58", 9.5mm tip and 18oz?
                        Last edited by Johnson88; 15 March 2012, 02:05 PM. Reason: Just found out how to customise a shark


                        • #27
                          Originally Posted by Johnson88 View Post

                          I don't even know prices of MW standard cues. Anyone shine some light?
                          no need to ask here, you said you you used my virtual cue maker so go to my shop and you can see prices for standard stock cues.

                          why you call it cue wizard i don't know, too much time spent on peradon site maybe?

                          to be honest, i have no particular interest in 'selling my products', and is not the reason i commented.

                          i only replied cos i was advising you to basically take your time and shop around.

                          this was based on the fact i thought you only had experience of one major brand. there are many that you can get much cheaper, and possibly of similar quality.

                          my advice remains, take your time. £400 is a lot of money, spend it wisely.
                          The Cuefather.



                          • #28
                            Originally Posted by Johnson88 View Post
                            I didn't state I've played with a Shark did I? :/ I think I said I just didn't like the machine spliced look.

                            What is the waiting time Mike for a plain 3/4 Shark with no extensions, traditional butt, standard nameplate, 58", 9.5mm tip and 18oz?
                            lol, why not ask Mike direct?

                            He had some stock sharks last time I checked so with your alterations I would estimate a short wait.

                            I would concentrate on finding a good cue which you like regardless of brand. Obviously buying from one the best cue makers means there is a stronger chance of you liking it first time.


                            • #29
                              why you call it cue wizard i don't know, too much time spent on peradon site maybe? [/QUOTE]

                              I don't actually know why I called it cue wizard considering I'm actually on your Virtual Cue Maker now with the tab open beside this one haha

                              I will take my time and I am by no means set on a JP, I just like them. I just don't fancy a cue that is mass produced like Peradons etc. I want class, not quantity


                              • #30
                                Well I've just seen the 3/4 black shark on his website for £350 so I have dropped him an email

