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Advice on a cue please :)

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  • Wanted Advice on a cue please :)

    OK so I've just started playing snooker again after a year out of the game and I am in need of a stick (Preferably a 3/4)

    I have about £400 and I am after the best cue I can find preferably with case and extensions but extensions aren't imperative.

    I am 6ft 2 and absolutely gorgeous (I JOKE!) so I am thinking maybe a 59" cue?

    What is the best tip size to have?
    What is the best tip?
    What is the weight I should go for? (I'm guessing 19)
    What size butt?

    I personally have never held a cue that feels as nice as a John Parris cue so I'm edging towards one of his at the moment.


  • #2
    The good thing about going to Parris's is that there's usually several cues out on display, so you can try some different cues out on the little table there. I went about 3 months ago as wasn't getting on with the 2 cues I had, & after trying several, & going back to one I particularly liked, I came away with an inch shorter, and very nice 57" cue which I love & feel my game will really move on with!!


    • #3
      Usually 58" should be long enough. If you want a 59" cue I recommend you try out some cues at 59" first.
      With 400 GBP you can get a nice cue from Trevor White, Tony Glover, Robin Cook, Dave Coutts...
      I believe Mike Wooldridge's shark cue will also fit in your budget but best is to ask him directly.


      • #4
        Well I am looking to at buying a JP Elite off Ebay as I love the effect on the butt and I'm also looking to go to Parris Cues in London to check out a few.

        I checked out the Shark Cue's and to be honest, I'm not a fan. It looks machine spliced :/ I've not actually seen many Coutts or Cook cues, will check some now


        • #5
          I may be getting slightly controversial here, it's just my opinion though. I've had and played with several JPs recently and the finish is poor to say the least. My friends have got them because of the name I'm afraid and nothing else, so I would avoid them unless you can get an older one. You really can't get a good feel for the cues in the shop either as the table is really small and pushed into a corner so trying the cue properly is nigh on impossible. In my humble opinion I would choose a Cook, Wooldridge, Coutts, White or Travis but you still have to get them in your hands to feel them as a minimum to see if YOU like them. I hope this helps a little, there are far more knowledgable people on here though that can help.


          • #6
            Hi Mark, thanks for ya feedback. I've heard a few people say the same thing regarding Parris cues and not being as good as people make out. So it is pushing me towards other makers.

            I've not actually heard of Phoenix before but do you or anybody else know much about them? I have a feeling they are crap but you never know lol


            • #7
              I have not ever seen one let alone played with one, so can't comment I'm afraid. If you think they are crap they will be, that's just how us humans work. Go for a quality cue maker, if you don't get on with it resale of course is so much easier and you shouldn't lose too much money on it. What budget do you have may I ask ?


              • #8
                Well I'm trying to sell my iPhone 4S to get the money for my cue so probably around £400.


                It's the 2nd cue down £329


                • #9
                  I should have included Stamford into my list sorry. £400 will get you a cue to keep for along time just try not to rush when you do have the money is my advice. Good luck and let me know what you choose.


                  • #10
                    I've been searching all day and night for past few weeks for a cue and after speaking to a few reputable cue makers today and thinking they came across rude, I wont be using them.

                    I will look up Stamford now I have a rough idea, I like Tulipwood and Snakewood but Snakewood is bloody expensive lol


                    • #11
                      Pm me mate with the cue makers you have contacted as I've spoken to most of them


                      • #12
                        To be fair, I'd rather keep my personal opinion to my self as I don't want my soul opinion to possibly lose anyone future business

                        I have seen a beautiful Trevor White 3/4 cue on here earlier but it's £600. Absolutely stunning cue though


                        • #13
                          I was only going to give you my opinion on them as most have been amazingly helpful.


                          • #14
                            Ah ok. I always thought the John Parris cue I used was incredible, although it was an older JP cue. A lot of people don't seem to like them :/

                            I am scanning through the Cue sales section on this website to see if I can whip a nice cue up


                            • #15
                              Originally Posted by Johnson88 View Post
                              and after speaking to a few reputable cue makers today and thinking they came across rude, I wont be using them.
                              can you just clarify that it wasn't me who was rude.

                              i'm sure some people on here will assume i was one of them...
                              The Cuefather.


