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my cue collection john parris ultimate 1pc ash -replica j.p.mannock

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  • #46
    Originally Posted by superman32 View Post
    LOL : )

    I don't think the cue is sold/
    I'm reliably told the cue had been bought!! :miserable:


    • #47
      Wow. I am sorry to hear that. I thought he just said its sold to move our at tension away from this.


      • #48
        Originally Posted by poolqjunkie View Post
        I am not sure what is happening here but I just want to ask a general question.
        I believe John will make two Ultimate cues with the same number...can someone verify this please?
        Nope, they're sequential. 1 number per cue.


        • #49
          Jason, pm sent.


          • #50
            Originally Posted by narl View Post
            Nope, they're sequential. 1 number per cue.
            Thank you. I asked because I heard that a customer who has purchased an Ultimate cue with a certain number can ask John Parris to re-use the same number on subsequent orders. So, say if you have an Ultimate with the number 147 then you can ask John to make you another cue (different design) with 147 as well. But that is just what I heard.


            • #51
              Originally Posted by poolqjunkie View Post
              Thank you. I asked because I heard that a customer who has purchased an Ultimate cue with a certain number can ask John Parris to re-use the same number on subsequent orders. So, say if you have an Ultimate with the number 147 then you can ask John to make you another cue (different design) with 147 as well. But that is just what I heard.
              well if John won't, it seems like someone in China will LOL ...


              • #52
                Originally Posted by poolqjunkie View Post
                Thank you. I asked because I heard that a customer who has purchased an Ultimate cue with a certain number can ask John Parris to re-use the same number on subsequent orders. So, say if you have an Ultimate with the number 147 then you can ask John to make you another cue (different design) with 147 as well. But that is just what I heard.
                I'm not so sure JP would do this, its open to abuse as looks like has happened here. You start allowing people to use the same numbers on Ultimates, word gets around, then all of a sudden you don't know what is genuine and what is fake, especially given the reputation for the chinese as they are the leaders at faking anything. Only JP himself could clear this up.


                • #53
                  Originally Posted by cueman View Post
                  I'm not so sure JP would do this, its open to abuse as looks like has happened here. You start allowing people to use the same numbers on Ultimates, word gets around, then all of a sudden you don't know what is genuine and what is fake, especially given the reputation for the chinese as they are the leaders at faking anything. Only JP himself could clear this up.
                  At one point people could request that if they had a minibutt with their ultimate cue order that it could also have the same badge inlaid into it as the cue itself. Afaik they stopped doing that a while back due to cues appearing on the bay that didn't match what John Parris had on his books when people rang to enquire about it. As far as im aware its now just one badge on the cue and thats it.

                  China is really a Cesspit for this kind of thing, everything and anything is copied over there and sold on the streets with nothing stopping them. I think Microsoft said a while back that their software is more copied in China than many other places in the world put together.

                  Very interesting though that the OP has appeared to have headed for the hills after some evidence cropped up. His profile says he's reading this thread right now.
                  Last edited by narl; 21 March 2012, 02:21 PM.


                  • #54
                    So you mean they took the Ultimate badge off the mini and put it on a fake Ultimate cue?
                    I thought with the technology today they can just make a fake badge...
                    This is all very confusing...


                    • #55
                      Originally Posted by poolqjunkie View Post
                      So you mean they took the Ultimate badge off the mini and put it on a fake Ultimate cue?
                      I thought with the technology today they can just make a fake badge...
                      This is all very confusing...
                      I totally agree with you. In China, one can get anything duplicated!! So to duplicate a badge too is a no-brainer.


                      • #56
                        Looks to me like this cue is a fake. Jason has been logged in, yet hasn't replied to this thread, which you would do had you genuinely believed this cue was real. Disappointing really, I wouldn't have thought people on here would be selling fakes really.
                        "You have to play the game like it means nothing, when in fact it means everything to you" Steve Davis.


                        • #57
                          Originally Posted by poolqjunkie View Post
                          So you mean they took the Ultimate badge off the mini and put it on a fake Ultimate cue?
                          I thought with the technology today they can just make a fake badge...
                          This is all very confusing...
                          Originally Posted by ongkia View Post
                          I totally agree with you. In China, one can get anything duplicated!! So to duplicate a badge too is a no-brainer.
                          Yes obviously badges can still be faked but at least JP has stopped the opportunity of taking one of his genuine badges off a mini butt and putting it on some other cue. For him its impossible to stop cues being faked or rather badges being made but if he starts adding duplicate numbered badges on mini butts and extentions, he is opening the opportunity for people to just take the badge off and do what they want with it. Ultimately, pardon the pun, his Ultimate badges are what people are cashing in on, so if he doesn't replicate a badge, its easier then to know which cues went out with duplicate numbers, so that he can chase up potential fakes and knowing who bought them. I haven't explained that particularly well, its early morning, but you get my jist.


                          • #58
                            Assuming the cue was sold someone just got boned out of £850 from the looks of things =/


                            • #59
                              Jason, PM sent.


                              • #60
                                Think jason knows a bit more than he's letting on.

