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my cue collection john parris ultimate 1pc ash -replica j.p.mannock

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  • Originally Posted by neil taperell View Post
    Very good post Airin , But with the amount of cues he has , he should sell a few a pay the man back . Does not look good that he has not been on since 24th March when i last looked . The Forum Community needs to help the buyer out and someone needs to try to get hold of Jason .
    I understand he is young and we all make mistakes. Perhaps he has some personal financial issues or things like that. If he would keep the communication channel opened that would really make a big difference.

    I am sure many Chinese sellers are honest; but it could be hard for someone on this forum to trust a cue listed by a Chinese seller in the future when things like this happen.

    It is also hurting Jason's reputation in China as well.

    May be someone on TSF who knows Jason could kindly step up and try to talk to him?
    Last edited by poolqjunkie; 3 April 2012, 03:45 AM.


    • Why would he print a fake john parris receipt. Unfortunately i don't see this money being refunded. Like you say if there are certain people on the site that know him, then maybe a pm could be dropped to the right members who know about pursuing legal action. I think it's going to come to the point where no sales will be allowed on the site unless some insurance can be set up.


      • This is what I got from Jason on 31st March.
        I told him just to refund the money and paypal will ignore the dispute filed.

        After three days, no news again. :sour:
        Attached Files


        • Originally Posted by stejohn View Post
          how did you pay? Was it paypal?
          Yes, I paid him using paypal.


          • Originally Posted by icem3n View Post

            This is what I got from Jason on 31st March.
            I told him just to refund the money and paypal will ignore the dispute filed.

            After three days, no news again. :sour:
            He's still doing his trade at, a Chinese language web hosting site for online shopping similar to eBay and Amazon. It's operating in People's Republic of China by Alibaba Group.


            This Jasonx trades under a Chinese pseudonym 破茧狂龙, adapted from a TV series named 'Prison Break'. What an irony! His location as listed at this taobao site is Shanghai, China. Registered as a member on 27th September 2006 and last logged on was 3rd of April, today!

            You can either communicate with him at this site:


            or this other site:

            He uses this other name dunhill_xu at 阿里旺旺(AliWangWang), a kind of communication site hosted under

            On his selling site, he has made this declaration - If item sold is found to be a fake, and as a seller, he promises to pay back in triple amount! Is this for real?

            Presently, he's still selling the JP 'Ultimate' Cue but a with a different number(1527). Check this out:


            Why don't you get a friend who knows Mandarin and go on to the taobao site to reach him or put out your story on the taobao forum? That will get his attention, I'm sure
            Last edited by ongkia; 3 April 2012, 08:03 AM.


            • He is still selling the cue but with a different number.....are you sure ! If so totally out of order and needs to be banned from here . Also other buyers want to be warned about him on the other site .
              Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


              • 1547 is a 3/4, different cue.
                In progressing!!


                • Just seen that ......not the Mannock replica .
                  Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


                  • open up a paypal dispute on the grounds item was fake and never sent. Paypal have always come good for me in the past.


                    • Originally Posted by stejohn View Post
                      open up a paypal dispute on the grounds item was fake and never sent. Paypal have always come good for me in the past.
                      I agree - stick to the official PayPal dispute process and you will get your money back no problem as the item was never sent.


                      • I Cannot beleive this hasnt been Cleared up yet! Has admin tried to Contact Jason as I think something has to be done here.



                        • Any updates on this yet?


                          • Originally Posted by narl View Post
                            Any updates on this yet?
                            Well he was on this forum at 1:33 pm today
                            If refund has not been sorted out yet he should be banned, and details given to the Police.
                            Hang your head in shame Jason !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Total con man


                            • Feel sad for the guy who fell for this... did he actually pay the whole sum? if so why did he act so fast?!?

                              Just in case this might be helpful, I sent Jason a pm about this cue on March 17, and he wrote me an email from this address

                              "Hi Guy

                              the cue is now located in my home which in China justnow, 870 including postage is the best I can do, and I accept paypal payment.

                              Best Regards

                              To this I replied:

                              "Hi Jason,

                              I'm sure we'll agree on the price which is right for you and right for me.

                              I need it posted to Vienna, Austria. Will this be possible?

                              I also wanted to ask whether the cue is a 1piece or 3/4? The mini butt included is it plain ebony or customized? No case, right?

                              According to the number on the badge it's pretty new, how come your'e selling it? Is it in good condition?

                              Last thing I wanted to know is whether you intend to sell your other JP cues as well, the one with purple veneers or the one with the 4 secondary splices?

                              Best regards,

                              He never answered me on this email and my only guess is that he managed to "sell" the cue by then. Luckily, only to one person!
                              Last edited by Guy3103; 9 April 2012, 03:45 PM.


                              • Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
                                Well he was on this forum at 1:33 pm today
                                If refund has not been sorted out yet he should be banned, and details given to the Police.
                                Hang your head in shame Jason !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Total con man
                                The best person to provide this info will be 'icem3n' himself. Since he has paid the seller via PayPal, I believe PayPal will arbitrate the dispute n sort out the refund thing. This is only my assumption n like I said, 'icem3n' is the only person that can shed some light on the latest development.

                                However, I feel the onus is on the seller, he should have settled this ages ago. The fact that he chooses to remain silent shows ill intention on his part

