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John parris ultimate cue, great condition!!!!!!!!!

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  • #16
    Originally Posted by neil taperell View Post
    Do we know if the guy got his money back ?
    May be this Jasonx guy thought that we've forgotten all about that episode!! No. Not that I know of. Icem3n should be able to enlighten us on this............


    • #17
      Originally Posted by narl View Post

      As if.
      might struggle with that eh. the snooker forum has a long memory!


      • #18
        The Jasonx should use and Ronnie AoShaLiWen photo out publicly in China continue to sell copy do jpu-cue. It is rubbish blow performance. No good businessman, is really insulted snooker.


        • #19
          Originally Posted by Andy Symons-rowe View Post
          John parris ultimate cue for sale, great condition!!!!!!
          Pictures on request!!!

          Specs are:
          Wood: Ash
          length: 58 inches
          tip size: 9.5mm
          butt: Ebony with 1 splice of snakewood
          vaneers: 1 white vaneer and 1 green vaneer
          ultimate cue number: 1053

          comes with mini butt extension and extendable extension


          MANY THANKS

          ANDY SYMONS
          I would be interested if its a 3/4.Let me know the price and pics.
          email -
          My deep screw shot


          • #20
            Photos and price to please mate. Regards, Rob
            77 in a match, 97 in a line up


            • #21
              Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
              might struggle with that eh. the snooker forum has a long memory!

              Yup, i just find it incredible he slithers back here after a few months and posts like nothing ever happened, he's been active viewing the forum since the incident, just got the courage to post for the first time yesterday frmo the looks of it. Never did find out if that guy got refunded.


              • #22
                Originally Posted by dickyang147 View Post
                The Jasonx should use and Ronnie AoShaLiWen photo out publicly in China continue to sell copy do jpu-cue. It is rubbish blow performance. No good businessman, is really insulted snooker.
                dickyang147 is a dealer who based in China. becaue he or she have same customers group as I have , oftenly he or she try to make something up and try to mud me. in the beginning I was wondering whether he or she have some peronal issue with me because it seems he or she focus on my activity all the time and try to make every genuine deal difficlut, however after I while I found out that he or she have nothing to do with me but try to make business peronal. As I always stated, the reputation does not established in one day, however I fell really annoy that this user dickyang147 always pick on me. I hope whoever this user is , please be aware that this is only businesss and please dont make everything so personal, it really not worth it since I fell you have no passion about the snooker and cue at all but only like attack the genuine dealer.


                • #23
                  Originally Posted by jasonx View Post
                  dickyang147 is a dealer who based in China. becaue he or she have same customers group as I have , oftenly he or she try to make something up and try to mud me. in the beginning I was wondering whether he or she have some peronal issue with me because it seems he or she focus on my activity all the time and try to make every genuine deal difficlut, however after I while I found out that he or she have nothing to do with me but try to make business peronal. As I always stated, the reputation does not established in one day, however I fell really annoy that this user dickyang147 always pick on me. I hope whoever this user is , please be aware that this is only businesss and please dont make everything so personal, it really not worth it since I fell you have no passion about the snooker and cue at all but only like attack the genuine dealer.
                  Did you refund the buyer of your fake parris "mannock style" cue or not? The fact you went out of your way to create a fake receipt to account for the changes in the cue speaks volumes about your character.


                  • #24
                    John parris ultimate cue, great condition!!!!!!!!!

                    to me Jasonx is trying to pass the blame on the other guy cos he found him on a fake selling site a site ppl on this forum wouldn't look on if Jasonx was a genuine seller he would hav refunded not let it go to PayPal to sort it out and as for dickyang147 don't think hav seen him sell anything he always looking to buy


                    • #25
                      Just jumped in on the back of this thread and although I haven't read all the post's what's been said doesn't surprise me and I have long thought this guy to be dodgy


                      • #26
                        Copy that make do jpu and public sale! If in court the judge will only ask if you have made the fake JPU1791! ? You only need to answer! Yes! Or is NO!
                        I just buyers in the UK, it is welcome! Because I'm not selling fake thing! This is illegal!
                        But you JPU-1791 in the selling fake. Also provide false data! False bill! This will make your downfall!
                        Do you still dare to clarify the fact that out? !!!!!!!!!!!! That's amazing!!!!!!! ???????


                        • #27

                          Good luck with the sale!!!!!!
                          Last edited by dickyang147; 23 June 2012, 10:51 AM.


                          • #28
                            Think this needs to be taken to another thread that the original poster can sell his cue .

                            Good luck with the sale .
                            Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


                            • #29
                              Originally Posted by jasonx View Post
                              dickyang147 is a dealer who based in China. becaue he or she have same customers group as I have , oftenly he or she try to make something up and try to mud me. in the beginning I was wondering whether he or she have some peronal issue with me because it seems he or she focus on my activity all the time and try to make every genuine deal difficlut, however after I while I found out that he or she have nothing to do with me but try to make business peronal. As I always stated, the reputation does not established in one day, however I fell really annoy that this user dickyang147 always pick on me. I hope whoever this user is , please be aware that this is only businesss and please dont make everything so personal, it really not worth it since I fell you have no passion about the snooker and cue at all but only like attack the genuine dealer.
                              No respect in china when money counts.

