Originally bought from craftsman cues, but sent to dave coutts who re finished it.
It quite similar to the powerglide connoisseur, but it has burrwood for the lower splices.
cue in excellent condition, all splices level and tight. tight grain with plate on its side and few arrows with plate up and one near tip.
58 inches long, 10mm tip. 17.5 onz. 29mm butt. stiff shaft
comes with both extensions and metal case.

It quite similar to the powerglide connoisseur, but it has burrwood for the lower splices.
cue in excellent condition, all splices level and tight. tight grain with plate on its side and few arrows with plate up and one near tip.
58 inches long, 10mm tip. 17.5 onz. 29mm butt. stiff shaft
comes with both extensions and metal case.
