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3/4 craftsman panther cue as new with extensions

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  • eBay 3/4 craftsman panther cue as new with extensions

    selling a as new craftsman panther cue, cue is butt jointed at 16 inches giving better balence, plain ebony butt and finest grade AAA ash shaft
    the cue is 57 1/4 inches long with 9 mil tip and weighs 17.5 ounces
    as an SD joint fitted and includes a 6 inch mini but and telescopic extension
    shaft flex is medium stiffness, great cue looking for £120cue 1.jpgcue 2.jpgcue 4.jpgcue 5.jpg
    Craftsman custom made cue
    57 inches
    17 ounces
    9 mil Wooldridge original supertip
    ash shaft plain ebony butt

  • #2
    looks a very nice cue, great buy for someone! i would snap it up if i didnt have another on order!


    • #3
      yes buyer would being getting a great cue
      Craftsman custom made cue
      57 inches
      17 ounces
      9 mil Wooldridge original supertip
      ash shaft plain ebony butt


      • #4
        I'm really interested in this- would you consider shipping to the USA?


        • #5
          would have to find out cost first, can you give me address so i could find out a price, would you use paypal to pay
          Craftsman custom made cue
          57 inches
          17 ounces
          9 mil Wooldridge original supertip
          ash shaft plain ebony butt


          • #6
            Location is to- Brooklyn, NY 11222 USA

            Paypal is perfect for me. Thanks!


            • #7
              im really sorry just been on line and cheapest quote fully insured is £45.50 gbp, how would that be, could get it sent on monday, delivery in 5 to 7 days
              Craftsman custom made cue
              57 inches
              17 ounces
              9 mil Wooldridge original supertip
              ash shaft plain ebony butt


              • #8
                I'll take it, that's fine for me.

                Will you email me at grantwilling [at] gmail .com with the total and your Paypal info, etc?



                • #9
                  hi ihave sent you an email please let me know when you get it
                  regards colin
                  Craftsman custom made cue
                  57 inches
                  17 ounces
                  9 mil Wooldridge original supertip
                  ash shaft plain ebony butt


                  • #10
                    cue now sold
                    Craftsman custom made cue
                    57 inches
                    17 ounces
                    9 mil Wooldridge original supertip
                    ash shaft plain ebony butt

