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Left to right. All item excluded shipping, item is in Malaysia.
C brand cue- 57" 18.5oz 30mm 9.5mm --SOLD
Mw legend- 58" 17oz 29.5mm 9.5mm- 3-Sold
Aurora (brandnew) 57" 18oz 29mm 9.5mm - ( purchase at the price of 1200CAD) SOLD
Aurora(brandnew)57" 18oz 30mm 9.5mm -500gbp ( purchase at the price of 1200CAD)
TW selected shaft ,traditional style 57" 18oz 29mm 9.5mm -SOLD
Aurora 57" 17.5oz 29mm 9.5mm -350gbp
Jason Owen number 71 with Mw blackspin 57" 17.5oz 29mm 9mm with minibutt -350gbp
Mac cue 56" 18oz 29mm 9.5mm with both extension with a used alu case. 200gbp
Tw mannock style selected shaft 57.5" 17.5oz 29mm 9.5mm -SOLD
All item can be ship in used /brandnew leather or alu cases with a 60gbp extra.+p&pThanks for looking