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  • #46
    I use a 10 year old MW and for me, I just love it. It took me a while to find "the cue" but I did finally get there.
    I could easily pick up a TW, JP or any other brand in the club next week and all of a sudden I'm a convert. Cues are hugely personal to the individual using it. One piece of ash or maple or even pear wood is never the same as the next. It may be close but as wood is a natural product it will always differ in its characteristics. For anyone to claim that this or that cue is simply the BEST might be the BEST for them but not all.
    You may defeat me but I will fight you to the very end!!!!


    • #47
      professional cue dealer lol..........with advice like yours surprised anyone buys a cue off you, you probably say a peradon lazer better than a parris or an old riley from argos lol..........ive played for 25 years doesn't make me an expert on playing can just share my opinions and views whats happened when i have played my league snooker i dont say my opinion is 100 percent right just because i have played 25 years! your threads have been ridiculous on this subject i only wanted to know if someone had a parris for sale! i wont be buying from your ebay store again totally unhelpful and obnoxious


      • #48
        Originally Posted by tommo146 View Post
        professional cue dealer lol..........with advice like yours surprised anyone buys a cue off you, you probably say a peradon lazer better than a parris or an old riley from argos lol..........ive played for 25 years doesn't make me an expert on playing can just share my opinions and views whats happened when i have played my league snooker i dont say my opinion is 100 percent right just because i have played 25 years! your threads have been ridiculous on this subject i only wanted to know if someone had a parris for sale! i wont be buying from your ebay store again totally unhelpful and obnoxious
        Lol, you havn't got a clue


        • #49
          and you have stick to your ferrari i am knocking in tons for fun mate


          • #50
            Originally Posted by tommo146 View Post
            professional cue dealer lol..........with advice like yours surprised anyone buys a cue off you, you probably say a peradon lazer better than a parris or an old riley from argos lol..........ive played for 25 years doesn't make me an expert on playing can just share my opinions and views whats happened when i have played my league snooker i dont say my opinion is 100 percent right just because i have played 25 years! your threads have been ridiculous on this subject i only wanted to know if someone had a parris for sale! i wont be buying from your ebay store again totally unhelpful and obnoxious
            you must have been reading different posts to me, didn't see one unhelpful thing and certainly not obnoxious, you have come on here looking to buy a parris cue and that's your choice, makes no difference if cue is any good to you or not just want a parris, I think you said you had been using mates cue since something happened to your joe davis, assume that's a parris as you are saying they suit your game think if you try a 9 mil 17 ounce cue you will find a massive difference with a 9.5 18 ounce cue, as regards stiffness I prefare a stiff shafted cue and have that with my craftsman whereas the parris I tried were all whippy, guess I was just unlucky in getting the 4 parris that you had not tried as appears you have tried all his other cues
            Craftsman custom made cue
            57 inches
            17 ounces
            9 mil Wooldridge original supertip
            ash shaft plain ebony butt


            • #51
              Originally Posted by tommo146 View Post
              and you have stick to your ferrari i am knocking in tons for fun mate
              Very nice too
              But you shouldn't be blinkered on cue choice, i have a Parris and it plays great (for me), i also have had 4 or 5 others that didn't !!!!


              • #52
                Originally Posted by tommo146 View Post
                and you have stick to your ferrari i am knocking in tons for fun mate
                why buy another cue then obvious whatever you are using now is the one, is that a parris ?
                Craftsman custom made cue
                57 inches
                17 ounces
                9 mil Wooldridge original supertip
                ash shaft plain ebony butt


                • #53
                  i am borrowing my mates at the moment had back to back tons last night with it ..........i have bought my own today so happy days....what i was saying is i asked for help wanting a JP cue then got adr slagging them off and saying i dont know the difference quote ' 'i have 300 cues and if you were blindfolded you wouldn't pick out a parris' thats a bit obnoxious and arrogant mate tbf, my original post was asking if had one had one for sale thats all didnt expect a lecture from adr 'the professional cue dealer'


                  • #54
                    I am not original post Wanted JP Classic/Trad ......thats what i want its like saying i want a can of heinz beans and i am advised to buy smart price beans if you can get what i am saying i know what i wanted hence my post so all i needed was advice of anyone who was selling one lol


                    • #55
                      So what did you buy then ie which model?


                      • #56
                        Originally Posted by tommo146 View Post
                        professional cue dealer lol..........with advice like yours surprised anyone buys a cue off you, you probably say a peradon lazer better than a parris or an old riley from argos lol..........ive played for 25 years doesn't make me an expert on playing can just share my opinions and views whats happened when i have played my league snooker i dont say my opinion is 100 percent right just because i have played 25 years! your threads have been ridiculous on this subject i only wanted to know if someone had a parris for sale! i wont be buying from your ebay store again totally unhelpful and obnoxious
                        i don't think i was obnoxious at all and i am truly sorry if you read it that way. I have thousands of happy customers exactly because i try to remain honest and impartial, please note I have not said anything against parris cues or anybodys elses cues just that what you said was wrong, now whatever you opinion of me or what I do that remains the case, I actually have 7 Parris cues here but I am sure you would prefer to look elsewhere!


                        • #57
                          Originally Posted by jack_dougles View Post
                          you must have been reading different posts to me, didn't see one unhelpful thing and certainly not obnoxious, you have come on here looking to buy a parris cue and that's your choice, makes no difference if cue is any good to you or not just want a parris, I think you said you had been using mates cue since something happened to your joe davis, assume that's a parris as you are saying they suit your game think if you try a 9 mil 17 ounce cue you will find a massive difference with a 9.5 18 ounce cue, as regards stiffness I prefare a stiff shafted cue and have that with my craftsman whereas the parris I tried were all whippy, guess I was just unlucky in getting the 4 parris that you had not tried as appears you have tried all his other cues
                          thank you - I guess having had literally hundreds of parris cues, maybe thousands, over the years my opinion if somehow flawed...


                          • #58
                            Originally Posted by tommo146 View Post
                            i am borrowing my mates at the moment had back to back tons last night with it ..........i have bought my own today so happy days....what i was saying is i asked for help wanting a JP cue then got adr slagging them off and saying i dont know the difference quote ' 'i have 300 cues and if you were blindfolded you wouldn't pick out a parris' thats a bit obnoxious and arrogant mate tbf, my original post was asking if had one had one for sale thats all didnt expect a lecture from adr 'the professional cue dealer'
                            What's wrong with helping each other? He has experience and he wants to help you.
                            You said, Parris cue plays better than other cues,
                            ADR gives his opinion on you comment.
                            btw, is good to know that you play snooker for 25 years. I play snooker as about 25 days. If I have questions about snooker, I know where to find you on the snooker forum.
                            If you have time for me.


                            • #59
                              Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
                              Originally Posted by tommo146 View Post
                              I must admit feel of a parris is better than any other cue i have ever plated with nothing to do with the name they just play well stiff shafts aswell had some very springy ones which do not suit me all about personal choice!
                              i have 300 or so top class cues here and i would happily bet you a porsche that you can't pick out a parris blindfolded.
                              I highly doubt John Parris himself could pick out his own cue out of 300 quality cues, there's so little difference between the top makers


                              • #60
                                Originally Posted by Dave Walton View Post
                                I highly doubt John Parris himself could pick out his own cue out of 300 quality cues, there's so little difference between the top makers
                                i don't think anybody could mate, my point is that every single cue is different, to state any one maker has cues with more solid shafts etc etc is silly.

