Hi! I have actually put this cue set on sales on June 2013.....
But due to some circumstances I have put the sale on hold & considering keeping the cue.
FYI, I have actually stop using the TW since 2 months ago, I only use the Maximus Ultimate which I'm very comfortable with. I always think that both cue are at 17.5oz until last week I realized that I was wrong !
Last week, finally I have found a proper cue weighing equipment & confirm that the TW is actually 17.9oz & the Maximus is 17.1oz, the is a different of 0.8oz ~~~~
No wonder I always claim that the TW is too heavy for me !!
Also, my Maximus is 56" & the TW is 57", after few advises from few members here ~~~~
I did not alter the cue shorter.
After what happened this few months, I have finally confirm that the TW cue is not the cue spec that suit me which I always think it is ~~~~~ I was wrong.
Therefore, the TW cue set is now confirm on sales ~~~~~~~
cue pictures : - #4454
Spec as below : -
- length 57"
- ferrule 10mm
- weight 17.9oz
- butt diameter 29mm
- balance point 17"
- Cocobolo mini butt
- long tele-extensopn
Cue location : Malaysia.
PM or email to Kadobau at yahoo dot com if interest.
I sincerely apologies to those members who have earlier sent me inquiry & been rejected by me.
But due to some circumstances I have put the sale on hold & considering keeping the cue.
FYI, I have actually stop using the TW since 2 months ago, I only use the Maximus Ultimate which I'm very comfortable with. I always think that both cue are at 17.5oz until last week I realized that I was wrong !
Last week, finally I have found a proper cue weighing equipment & confirm that the TW is actually 17.9oz & the Maximus is 17.1oz, the is a different of 0.8oz ~~~~
No wonder I always claim that the TW is too heavy for me !!
Also, my Maximus is 56" & the TW is 57", after few advises from few members here ~~~~
I did not alter the cue shorter.
After what happened this few months, I have finally confirm that the TW cue is not the cue spec that suit me which I always think it is ~~~~~ I was wrong.
Therefore, the TW cue set is now confirm on sales ~~~~~~~
cue pictures : - #4454
Spec as below : -
- length 57"
- ferrule 10mm
- weight 17.9oz
- butt diameter 29mm
- balance point 17"
- Cocobolo mini butt
- long tele-extensopn
Cue location : Malaysia.
PM or email to Kadobau at yahoo dot com if interest.
I sincerely apologies to those members who have earlier sent me inquiry & been rejected by me.