Brand New Stunning Master Cue 147 "Matthew Stevens Replica" 3/4 Snooker/Pool Cue with Selected Ash Shaft with Lovely Arrows/Grain.
Will come with Mini Butt, Alley Case & Cue Craft Towel
Specs of the Cue:
Length: 58", Tip: 9.5mm, Butt: Standard Size, Weight Approx: 17.5oz
£160 For the Complete Package!
Cue, Mini Butt, Alley Case, Cue Towel, New Tip Shaper, New Blocks Chalk.

Brand New Stunning Master Cue 147 "Matthew Stevens Replica" 3/4 Snooker/Pool Cue with Selected Ash Shaft with Lovely Arrows/Grain.
Will come with Mini Butt, Alley Case & Cue Craft Towel
Specs of the Cue:
Length: 58", Tip: 9.5mm, Butt: Standard Size, Weight Approx: 17.5oz
£160 For the Complete Package!
Cue, Mini Butt, Alley Case, Cue Towel, New Tip Shaper, New Blocks Chalk.
