UNCLEVIT CQ for Sales - Maple Shaft with Strip Ebony Butt
I cleared my back room days ago and found this cue hanging around. Did not return it to the workshop. Brand New and Ready-To-Go. Very old Maple Shaft, Stiff, and Clean. 12 splices design in Ebony/Redwood/Strip Ebony. 57" / 9.5mm tip / 29.5mm butt / 17.5 oz. Beautifully handcrafted. Unclevit's Hi-End Quality. Aircost of US$55 is for Europe. Check back for Asia shipping charge to my email : suvitc@gmail.com This is a great quality tournament grade custom cue
List Date: 5/31/2014
For more info, click here to view the original listing: UNCLEVIT CQ for Sales - Maple Shaft with Strip Ebony Butt


I cleared my back room days ago and found this cue hanging around. Did not return it to the workshop. Brand New and Ready-To-Go. Very old Maple Shaft, Stiff, and Clean. 12 splices design in Ebony/Redwood/Strip Ebony. 57" / 9.5mm tip / 29.5mm butt / 17.5 oz. Beautifully handcrafted. Unclevit's Hi-End Quality. Aircost of US$55 is for Europe. Check back for Asia shipping charge to my email : suvitc@gmail.com This is a great quality tournament grade custom cue

List Date: 5/31/2014
For more info, click here to view the original listing: UNCLEVIT CQ for Sales - Maple Shaft with Strip Ebony Butt
