Exquisite Cue with Mini Butt & Telescopic Extension
One Piece Exquisite Cue with ebony mini butt and telescopic extension
58" Long
9.5mm Tip
30mm Butt
It is the cue pictured on the left, the other cue is also for sale on another listing for 270 delivered in the UK
These are not my cues so for specific queries please comment on the thread or contact Removalmanstevie at The Snooker Forum
List Date: 7/9/2014
For more info, click here to view the original listing: Exquisite Cue with Mini Butt & Telescopic Extension


One Piece Exquisite Cue with ebony mini butt and telescopic extension
58" Long
9.5mm Tip
30mm Butt
It is the cue pictured on the left, the other cue is also for sale on another listing for 270 delivered in the UK
These are not my cues so for specific queries please comment on the thread or contact Removalmanstevie at The Snooker Forum
List Date: 7/9/2014
For more info, click here to view the original listing: Exquisite Cue with Mini Butt & Telescopic Extension
