Willie Smith hand spliced British record cue for sale
Willie Smith hand spliced British record cue for sale, the one in the centre in the pics, free shipping to UK only.
Other cues are for sale too, see other listings.
All cues are stiff.
Sydney Lee cue in ash 58", 11, 16.5 oz, 17 1/4" bp, 30.5 butt
Willie Smith cue in ash 58", 10.7, 17.4 oz, 16 1/2" bp, 30 butt
Joe Davis hornbeam 58", 10.9, 16.9 oz, 17 1/2" bp, 30 butt
List Date: 3/1/2015
Location: Darlington, United Kingdom
For more info, click here to view the original listing: Willie Smith hand spliced British record cue for sale
This item is no longer available.


Willie Smith hand spliced British record cue for sale, the one in the centre in the pics, free shipping to UK only.
Other cues are for sale too, see other listings.
All cues are stiff.
Sydney Lee cue in ash 58", 11, 16.5 oz, 17 1/4" bp, 30.5 butt
Willie Smith cue in ash 58", 10.7, 17.4 oz, 16 1/2" bp, 30 butt
Joe Davis hornbeam 58", 10.9, 16.9 oz, 17 1/2" bp, 30 butt
List Date: 3/1/2015
Location: Darlington, United Kingdom
For more info, click here to view the original listing: Willie Smith hand spliced British record cue for sale
This item is no longer available.

