One piece John Parris Ultimate
One piece John Parris Ultimate cue for sale, just receive it 1 month ago so its basically like new. Spec 57" 18oz 29mm butt 9.5mm tip with 6" mini butt and long telescopic extension.Looking for ?1200 included shipping worldwide. I paid ?950 for cue+extensions and shipping cost will be 60-70. Any interest or offer can pm me or email me at thanks
List Date: 3/31/2015
For more info, click here to view the original listing: One piece John Parris Ultimate

One piece John Parris Ultimate cue for sale, just receive it 1 month ago so its basically like new. Spec 57" 18oz 29mm butt 9.5mm tip with 6" mini butt and long telescopic extension.Looking for ?1200 included shipping worldwide. I paid ?950 for cue+extensions and shipping cost will be 60-70. Any interest or offer can pm me or email me at thanks
List Date: 3/31/2015
For more info, click here to view the original listing: One piece John Parris Ultimate
