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Pro Tip Tool

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  • Pro Tip Tool

    I know the general opinion is that tip tools on the whole are terrible and you're better off using sandpaper/files. I've already got sandpaper and bought a pack of modelling files, but also bought a Peradon Tipping File incase there is anything different (I was ordering stuff anyway so thought for the extra few £'s I may as well have a look).

    Anyway, doing my usual eBay scout and I've come across this:


    I still assume it'll get a bad response but on the off chance that maybe this is alright (Albiet expensive) I thought I'd post it (Most, if not all, of the other tipping tools I've seen on eBay have been discussed here before, already).


  • #2
    Gadget, don't go near it!
    Il n'y a pas de problemes; il n'y a que des solutions qu'on n'a pas encore trouvées.

    "Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing not to put in a fruit salad." Brian O'Driscoll.


    • #3

      I thought as much... Wanted confirmation from knowledgeable folk first though


      • #4
        I have a mate (lol it really is a mate its honestly not me) who uses a similar thing to this i think he calls it a tip pic, every so often he goes to his case gets it out and roughs up the tip????
        He moans about having to change the tip every few weeks and wont have it that this tool is eating tips, also if you are constantly changing the tip surface you must lose the consistency.

        i like either nail file thingys from spar/tesco etc or if you are not confident with a file use some 200 sandpaper and gently sand it to shape, i find the paper easier to get a nice shape.


        • #5
          The tip pik is a very good tool but it destroys tips very quickly. Its a load of needles that you just poke into the tip, which works, but if used regularly you will destroy the tip in no time at all.

          btw greenbaize also sell the tool originally linked

          Use sandpaper or a file. You can just rock the file on the surface of the tip to rough it up slightly, or a few strokes with sandpaper and its fine.
          sigpic A Truly Beakerific Long Pot Sir!


          • #6
            Tip picks are for US pool tips, which are harder, wider and thicker than UK tips; even the Talisman's used on UK tips are not as thick and so the pick goes too far in, IMO. Sandpaper, a file or nail files are all you need, anything else is overkill and results in destroyed tips, and having to change then far too often.
            Il n'y a pas de problemes; il n'y a que des solutions qu'on n'a pas encore trouvées.

            "Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing not to put in a fruit salad." Brian O'Driscoll.


            • #7
              I'd seen the Tip Pic before but just looking at it, it seemed too aggresive! As it stands, in the past (On my old cue) I've been happy just to use sandpaper... I've not needed to mess with the tip on my new cue but when I do it'll probably be a sandpaper/file job...

              None the less, I was tempted by the one originally linked too... Suprised too that Stu @ greenbaize sells them... Surely they cannot be too bad? It mentions 3 roles: "Shaper. Scuffer. Tip Aerator." What does each of these do? Does any of these do the same job as the Tip Pic? I'm failing to see any overlap... (Because, no doubt, I don't fully understand the "Cuetec Bowtie" product).


              • #8
                I assume it has a tool on each side, aerator being the same as a tip pic, making holes, and shaper and scuffer being a piece of sandpaper on the other side. But this is me guessing
                sigpic A Truly Beakerific Long Pot Sir!


                • #9
                  I shouldn't have been so lazy and just Google'd it!

                  See here for some nice pics

                  EDIT:The shaper and scuffer both look like sandpaper as you say; Wouldn't these always need replacing??

                  Also, I understand what the shaper and scuffer do but what exactly does the aerator/Tip Pic do? It makes holes... But how is what it does different to shaper/scuffer.


                  • #10
                    There we go i was right JGI! (just google it) is my motto btw
                    sigpic A Truly Beakerific Long Pot Sir!


                    • #11
                      I guess you replied before seeing my edit above. Don't s'pose you know any of the answers? Mainly, would the "sandpaper" edges need "replacing" (I mean surely you cannot use the sand bit of sandpaper forever). Also what exactly does the aerator/Tip Pic do? It makes holes... But how is what it does different to shaper/scuffer (As above).


                      • #12
                        I wouldnt bother the sandpaper looks very rough to me and depending what it is may need replacing. It may not be "sandpaper" it may be more similar to a glass nail file or something. Looks to me like it would last a long time, but its more of a gadget that looks good in your cue case. The tip pick makes tiny holes in the surface of the tip, so that the chalk particles will stick in the holes and adhere to the tip. It theoretically means taking no actual surface off the tip but as you can imagine using it regualrly making hundreds of tiny holes does even more damage than simply roughing it up and taking a tiny bit of the surface off. Then again some people swear by the tip pick and it works when used infrequently, but i would say its much too destructive.
                        I would stick to sandpaper or a metal file.

                        EDIT: And the shaper, considering your only supposed to make downward strokes when shaping the tip, i dont see how you use the shaper at all. Twisting the cue round in circles on the sandpaper is not really recommended
                        Last edited by RGCirencester; 7 March 2009, 10:33 PM.
                        sigpic A Truly Beakerific Long Pot Sir!


                        • #13
                          At the moment it's not so much a decision about buying the gadget but understanding what it does

                          I'm probably being silly but not sure I understand the difference between the aerator and the scuffer? Surely their role is essentially the same?

                          Considering that the "aerator" seems exactly the same as the TipPik, I'm suprised there are so few users, compared to the TipPik (If they are the same, that is!).


                          • #14
                            People may not know it has a tip pik on it... Because everyone who actually bothers to do research would not buy one at all they are doing the same job, helping chalk adhere to the tip, but different jobs. One is breaking up the entire surface by taking some of the tip away (scuffer = sandpaper... keep sanding and u will have no tip), the tip pik is a load of spikes. Taking a very hard tip that has been compressed and putting holes in it will help the chalk stick to the tip. You can do this as much as you like and your tip will not get any smaller, it will however completely disintegrate!!!
                            sigpic A Truly Beakerific Long Pot Sir!


                            • #15
                              Originally Posted by RGCirencester View Post
                              People may not know it has a tip pik on it... Because everyone who actually bothers to do research would not buy one at all
                              Better than spending $120 on tip tool

