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Which glue to use for Re Tipping

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  • #46
    There are actually many types of glues that Loctite produces. The best Loctite glue I have found is the Loctite Prism.
    The impact tough stuff has rubber particulars mixed with the glue and if you get some on your finger you can remove it with oil. I suspect if you get some oil on your tip it might cause the glue bond to break. I am not sure.
    If your glue has hardened, you cannot soften it by heating it.
    But you can store your super glue in the fridge to prolong its shelf life.
    I just use 2 parts epoxy and it is working very beautifully.
    If you really want to use super glue, get the Loctite Prism, or 454. I have not tried the black bottle.
    I just use 2 parts epoxy.
    Last edited by poolqjunkie; 25 January 2011, 10:19 PM.


    • #47
      one small drop of Loctite superglue GEL is enough in my experience of changing tips.


      • #48
        As I have already said.......LOCTITE SUPER GLUE ULTRA GEL CONTROL.....No1


        • #49
          Originally Posted by hotpot View Post
          Anyone tried evostik impact , one of the boys down the club swears by it .
          Yes I've used evostik and it works fine, but I like Tweetens it's the proper stuff for the job. But it needs time to set properly, obviously super glue is great in an emergency


          • #50
            Loctite will do the job very fine
            It's in the Shaft


            • #51

              tweetons if your willing to wait ,loctite if your not


              • #52
                Originally Posted by jim evans View Post
                tweetons if your willing to wait ,loctite if your not
                Ideally with one of these...
                Boxwood Tip Clamp

                That I'm just about to list on the items for sale section on a fantastic offer just for TSF members @ £10.00 inc. UK p & p AND a free tube of Tweetens Tip Cement!!! Great value eh. Jim - would prob. cost you at least £15 at a well known Sheffield cue shop


                • #53
                  Gel superglue is as good as anything.


                  • #54
                    tip clamp

                    got 1 snookerpoolman dont use it much though and mines a old cane one tweetons leave glue about 10 mins put tip on end of cue set it up wait a few mins then bed in with a hammer


                    • #55
                      With a hammer!! Yeah the beauty of the Boxwood tip clamps are they give a constant pressure whilst the adhesive sets. I have listed now in For Sale section - would be interested to know how much MC's charging now - a customer of mine told me several years ago, he was charging a tenner just for the tip clamps way back then!!!


                      • #56
                        Originally Posted by Acrowot View Post
                        Gel superglue is as good as anything.
                        why would any other be used old tip off new one on ,shaped and playing again in under 15 minutes never fails
                        So it's Rorschach and Prozac and everything is groovy
                        World Masters - Lucky Dip 2011 winner
                        World Championship-Lucky Dip 2011 winner
                        Snooker island July 2011 - Australian Open prediction comp winner


                        • #57
                          Looks like almost everyone is using super glue these days.
                          If you want to hold the tip in place a little rubber band or a few of them should do the trick quite nicely.
                          Do people really use Tweenten contact cement these days?


                          • #58
                            Bought some super glue gel from Amazon recently, and today I have had a request to submit a review! What do I say?

                            "It sticks things together really fast"?
                            Oh, and that's a bad miss.


                            • #59
                              poolqjunkie, never mind having still using Tweetens contact glue, they will be going back to the old method of using the tiny wafers of glue and sticking it in hot water, then on to the tip and leaving over night to set with a tip clamp on to hold in place ........ what a farce that was.
                              Then sometimes the tip would drop off with the first shot.!

                              Those were the days ....... lol.


                              • #60
                                I have tried them all and too be 100% Honest Loctite Super Glue Gel Ultra Control in Black/Grey Tub is the Best.

