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NEW Talisman Tips

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  • Originally Posted by The Doctor View Post
    I have had a lot of replies asking for tips, i will let everyone know when i send tips.
    As i said before the tips may be available for sale but you should contact Talisman billiards.
    I asked Tony about the tips last week, this is his reply, regarding them.

    Originally Posted by Tony Jones View Post
    Thanks for your message. We are in the final stages of testing the new tips and I hope for them to be available within the next 6-8 weeks. They will initially be available on my website but then should also be available through my distributor in the UK, Peradon.

    Kind regards,
    Last edited by MattCash; 20 August 2010, 06:42 PM.


    • I have been testing them for a while now and hope to get some feedback from other people testing them soon. I would imagine they will be on public sale for the end of September.
      "Don't think, feel"


      • Please no more requests for tips I don't have any left and those who will receive one have been notified.
        "Don't think, feel"


        • I was fortunate enoughto get one of these tips and here's my
          i found the tip to be easy to cut and shape
          once fitted the tip held chalk very well played and gripped
          the ball very well
          I agree that the tip felt as another poster put it a piece of stone
          when it first went on but quickly settled down and played very
          well indeed they are noticably better than other talisman tips
          I've tried and hold the chalk much better and play better in
          I found the tan kamui tips to be my prefered laminated tips
          until trying these and the equally excellent aurora laminated
          I would be happy with either of these tips in the future
          when they become more readilly available


          • Thanks for the review Mick.
            I am sure these tips will be a big success when officially released.
            "Don't think, feel"


            • Thanks to The Doctor for the tip but i'm afraid I couldn't get on with it at all. I struggled to get much spin unless I was hitting the cueball very hard, the tip just seemed very dead. Maybe I got a duff one?


              • Thanks for the feedback. I am sorry the new tip did not suit you. I am surprised to hear you felt it difficult to generate spin as my own trials have found them to be more receptive. Perhaps it has been a faulty tip as they are still under testing. I will send your views to Talisman together with all the others.
                So far this has been the only negative response to the new tips but i do appreciate it none the less. Cheers.
                "Don't think, feel"


                • I was lucky to get one for the test and after some weeks I totally agree what Mick Dundee said few posts earlier. I've been using Talisman soft for some three years now but I will definately stay with these new ones - hope they will be on market soon.

                  Best tips so far



                  • I finally ordered some talisman soft tips for my cue..

                    And the difference it brought to my mediocre cue was amazing...

                    Just did one mistake...

                    I ordered a 10 mm tip for my cue which has a ferrule to fit 10 mm so had to really concentrate while putting the tip...

                    would advice all of you to order a 11 mm tip and cut of the rest as this tip is very easy in cutting and shaping..

                    Hope this tip stays with me for some time...
                    Whoever called snooker 'chess with balls' was rude, but right


                    • Where did you order the new Talisman cowhide tips?
                      Last edited by ken147; 6 October 2010, 12:00 PM.


                      • Originally Posted by ken147 View Post
                        Where did you order the new Talisman cowhide tips?
                        Sorry that I did not make my post clear...
                        It was the ordinary talisman pro tips I was mentioning..
                        Whoever called snooker 'chess with balls' was rude, but right


                        • So no update since October - any news if these are available yet as I think I might like them, going by the mini reviews in this thread.



                          • hey doc, just wondering if you had any updates on the release date for the new talisman tips. will need to change my tip soon and am wondering if i should try and hold out if the tips are coming soon.


                            • The tips are still at test stage but I will speak again to Tony and ask when he thinks they will be ready.
                              "Don't think, feel"


                              • ok kool, cheers doc will keep a look out for the next update.
                                p.s if you want me to test one out for you, i really wouldnt mind

