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Kamui Black 11mm Medium Review

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  • #16
    I've put one of the blacks on today,
    it seems a little softer than the original tan ones
    good tip but would like it a little harder.
    I hope that it will get a bit harder as stated in the
    previous posts.
    I also found it a bit strange chalking a black tip..
    Apart from that it seems a good tip,does anybody know
    the reason why the blacks are more sought after than
    the tan ones because apart from being a bit softer
    I can't really tell the difference, maybe it will become
    apparent after a bit more use?


    • #17
      [QUOTE=Mick Dundee;485993]I've put one of the blacks on today,
      it seems a little softer than the original tan ones... QUOTE]

      hi mick, what hardness u got for your blacks and tan kamuis?

      i'm getting one each, 11mm medium hard... cost an arm and a leg... gonna try them on my new cue, eta early May... so kinda jumping the gun now with this post...
      When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back. GET MAD!!


      • #18
        Both the blacks and the tans are medium,
        the black has started getting a bit harder now
        after more play
        I havnt had any major miscues using them
        but the green chalk on the tip seems a bit strange
        against the black, kind of like you havnt got enough
        chalk on
        on the whole I don't think I like the blacks any more
        than the tans


        • #19
          After a bit more play I can definately
          say that I prefer the tan original tips
          to the black ones, but I like both of
          them more than any other laminated
          tips that I've tried.
          Bonus that the tans are a little bit cheaper
          but as they say every little helps.


          • #20
            initially wanted to fix the 11mm MH black kamui tip on my new cue, but alas, the cue won't be ready for another couple of weeks...

            had to try it on my existing cue... the tip's quite easy to cut and shape, holds chalk pretty well... i played for 2, 3 hours with it... initially couldn't quite get the hang of the feel, in fact, i wanted it to be harder... but it did get better towards the end...

            so, the first session was rather inconclusive and not sufficient make me want to switch tips... but i'll try it out a few more times and see how it goes...
            When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back. GET MAD!!


            • #21
              Originally Posted by Oldgit View Post
     is now over a week since I started using the new black kamui 11mm medium tip.

              The tip was absolutely fantastic when it was first fitted, and I was over the moon.............but over the last week I have to say that in my opinion the tip has changed from a medium to a medium-hard or even a hard!!

              Seems like the exact opposite from a Talisman 'soft'.....they seemed to be rock hard when first fitted but once you start using them they seemed (to me!!) to soften up a little. The Kamui started off absolutely perfect from the very first hit but now I think its maybe a little on the hard side. I will be interested in everyone elses opinion about this as I may be totally wrong!!

              Agreed with Oldgit, I have tried both Medium and Medium soft but they get so hard after few days of play. Since then I have switched back to MW's supertips and I will tried Progranite next time.

              Snookered <==== still a "soft" guy


              • #22
                I've just put a Kamui Black on my cue tonight. I haven't had a chance to try it out yet (that will have to wait till tomorrow night) but certainly as far as fitting it, particularly cutting it, is concerned it's much easier to work with than the Talisman I had on.

                Looking forward to seeing how it feels tomorrow night when I get it to the table.


                • #23
                  ok i just purchased a load of these going to cut my BD off when it arrives and have a play!

                  ill let you know how i get on... i bought mine for £8.50 free p+p and it was for a box of tips...

                  for other people looking to purchase them here is a link

                  what a frustrating, yet addictive game this is....


                  • #24
                    Originally Posted by Luke Hooper View Post
                    ... and it was for a box of tips...
                    The picture shows a box of tips ... BUT you only get one - still cheaper than elsewhere by the sound of things


                    • #25
                      yes its for one i had mine from them .


                      • #26
                        fair do's well lets hope i put it on my cue properly the first time then! haha i was going to put it on the spare cue and have a play with that before putting it on my JP but i think i might just bite the damn tip off my JP as am not happy with it and have sanded it a little too far down now for it to be called a tip im pretty sure im just playing with ferrule haha (slight over exaggeration but yeah haha)

                        i shall let you know how i get on with it in due time, hopefully it will come sometime this week and i can stick it straight on...
                        what a frustrating, yet addictive game this is....


                        • #27
                          ok, now that i've tried both the tan and black MH tips, i'm leaning towards the tan one as it seem to hit more solid than the black one... the black one felt somewhat softer and you can kind of feel the cue ball bouncing off the tip which may take some getting used to...

                          the black tip seems more reactive when playing power shots but i got more feel with the tan one when playing soft to medium strength shots... i only hope the tan one don't get too hard after more usage.

                          having said that, tips are really a very personal choice... you got to try it for yourself to know which suits you.
                          When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back. GET MAD!!


                          • #28
                            As I wrote in a previous post I prefer the tans as well
                            I've now tried 2 blacks both of which glazed over badly
                            without that much play and refused to hold any chalk,
                            where as every tan I've used has held chalk better than
                            any other layered tip I've tried including the ludicrously
                            expensive moori tip
                            I think I'll use the tans from now on
                            just my opinion but I just don't get the blacks


                            • #29
                              right ok, my tip came today, and ive had one last play with my Blue diamond and played shockingly so will be glad to see the back of that, have cut him off and popped hte kamui on and will leave overnight to set and chop in the morning ready to play tomorrow evening, will let you know how i get on
                              what a frustrating, yet addictive game this is....


                              • #30
                                ok so shaped and had a play with the kamui..

                                instantly feels great cant deny, i like it...knocked in a 39,36,32,30,27 today..nothing substantial but considering how terribly ive been playing recently thats pretty damn incredible.

                                almost feels like im coming out of this little "rutt" ive been in recently and am starting to compile some breaks again...

                                playing again tomorrow
                                what a frustrating, yet addictive game this is....

