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Kamui Black 11mm Medium Review

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  • #31
    Just come back from the club and played four hours with this tip, and i have to say that i,m very impressed wiith it .

    I would say their a little firmer than elks but the grip on the white is impressive . I was hitting the ball softer than normal but getting more purchase on it .

    My only niggle is that it worn down quicker than an elk and i,m just hoping its settled and doesnt wear much more and they do shine a bit more , no miss cues though .

    So overall i,m very pleased with these tips just wish they were a little cheaper .


    • #32
      Is this a review of the kamui or the Talisman m8.
      "Don't think, feel"


      • #33
        Not sure if hp is still on line, but he played with a Kamui medium today, Doctor.


        • #34
          ive been playing with it for a couple of weeks or so now, and must say its hte best ive had, i havent had many but this is defintely the best...have had a few miscues, most likely down to me, however the only one thing that really bugs me is that when you miscue you leave a dirty great mark on the cueball that does not come off easily...thats the only downside i can think of so far..
          what a frustrating, yet addictive game this is....


          • #35
            Originally Posted by Quackers View Post
            Not sure if hp is still on line, but he played with a Kamui medium today, Doctor.
            Sorry Doc yes it was a Kamui , i took a cue with the new talisman but it was,nt my main playing cue so i thought it would be a little unfair on the tips qualities to write a review on that basis alone .

            My other cue i use has just come back after alteration so i intend to put the new talisman on it and take her for a test drive and then write reviews of the tip .


            • #36
              No worries m8, i seen the review on the other thread. Cheers m8.
              "Don't think, feel"


              • #37
                Just come back from club and today i only took one cue , the one with the kamui on .

                Started off where i left off playing screw and side effortlerssly , and i thought to mysely it was a toss up between these and the talisman as to which played the best .

                Well after about two and a half hours the tip became harder and i had to hit the white harder to achierve the same affect as before . It did,nt take long before my timing went all to cock and i weas punching the ball instead of stroking it .

                I decided enough was enough and put my cue away , sat in the bar had a few jugs , came home and ripped the tip off and replaced it with a talisman medium .

                These tips were great after appox three hours but after approx 17 hours they became more like an elk and were losing their quality and grip .

                Pitty as i ordered another two days ago , but i,m going to send it bach and try a tan one out .


                • #38
                  The tans are definately better still retain chalk and don't go
                  as hard and a bit cheaper but make sure you get the 11mm
                  ones as the 14mm has more layers and go a bit harder


                  • #39
                    Originally Posted by Mick Dundee View Post
                    The tans are definately better still retain chalk and don't go
                    as hard and a bit cheaper but make sure you get the 11mm
                    ones as the 14mm has more layers and go a bit harder
                    Cheers mick will do .


                    • #40
                      It's a shame about the blacks because I wanted to like them
                      to justify the high price, but I've tried two of them now just
                      in case it was just a shoddy one but the second one was the
                      I'll try the new talismans when they come out, I don't like
                      the original talismans at all so I'm hoping for the opposite
                      of the kamui where I really like the originals and don't like
                      the new improved black version.
                      I sometimes wish I was more like the lads I play with who
                      just bang a tip on and play with it until it's time to change it
                      Where as I keep changing tips like they're going out of fashion
                      still I suppose I've always got plenty of knocked in tips if
                      anybodys fall off


                      • #41
                        lol, im using hte kamui tip now for a few weeks, teh black medium... it seems good to me, however maybe not as effective as it was when i first started but at least it hasnt lost its shape...i have miscued a couple of times, and when that happens it seems to leave these nasty marks on the cueball which you can only get off using your finger nail and scr5atching it off, but other than that its a good tip...after the pink ribbon tournament i might try a MW supertip and see how that fairs...
                        what a frustrating, yet addictive game this is....


                        • #42
                          I've Medium Kamui Black tips on both my 9-ball and my snooker cue, and I've found that they're pretty responsive for my play style. Though I do admit that it does require a slight scuff and ***** every now and then to help with holding the chalk on my snooker cue.

                          To my knowledge, Kamui mainly market towards 9ball rather than snooker which may explain why it's harder to find a soft 11mm? Correct me if I'm wrong..


                          • #43
                            i should be getting these in this week.


                            • #44
                              Are you getting the tan tips as well or just the blacks?


                              • #45
                                People only ask for the blacks but i guess i could do both.

