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Kamui Black 11mm Medium Review

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  • #61
    Originally Posted by poolqjunkie View Post
    I personally consider it kind of bad form to try sell one's product in a competitor's thread. Just my opinion.
    its not that that i am concerned about its peoples businesses! also they could well be the fake ones that are going hard!


    • #62
      Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
      its not that that i am concerned about its peoples businesses! also they could well be the fake ones that are going hard!
      I know. I just feel that if the guy wants to sell his tips he could start his own thread.


      • #63
        whereas i feel he should not sell his tips at all!


        • #64
          Keith, I speak german! So if you need anything, just let me know!
          Quote : It took me eight hours a day for 16 years to become an overnight sensation! Cliff Thorburn


          • #65
            Servus Mike,

            You'll have to start being a good boy, or you'll get the others backs up real quick here! When are you over in Munich again?

            Quote : It took me eight hours a day for 16 years to become an overnight sensation! Cliff Thorburn


            • #66
              Hi There,
              Just a point regarding pro granite tips. I recently tried out a pro granite tip for first time, as these are quite high tips on fitting i have filed it down a fair bit, after playing with this tip for about 3 hours, am wondering will these tips harden up , because at the moment tip seems very spongy, in fact almost no noise when in contact with cueball, anybody else have this feedback as i thought these tips to be on the firmer side, i know possibly a poor tip, but i thought the extra money in paying for these tips(compared to elks ) was for the consistency? any thoughts or opinions welcomed?


              • #67
                Hello everybody,

                my name is Thomas Lindemann, and I'm the owner of Lithoshop - the German company who is selling Kamui in Germany and Europe, like some other dealers. Mike is one of my dealers.
                If you please check out this official webpage of Kamui:
                Here are all the official dealers, and you can see that I'm one of them.
                So please be sure, that we, Mike and myself, just sell original Kamui tipps.

                Kind regards
                Thomas Lindemann


                • #68
                  Originally Posted by Manu147 View Post
                  Hi There,
                  Just a point regarding pro granite tips. I recently tried out a pro granite tip for first time, as these are quite high tips on fitting i have filed it down a fair bit, after playing with this tip for about 3 hours, am wondering will these tips harden up , because at the moment tip seems very spongy, in fact almost no noise when in contact with cueball, anybody else have this feedback as i thought these tips to be on the firmer side, i know possibly a poor tip, but i thought the extra money in paying for these tips(compared to elks ) was for the consistency? any thoughts or opinions welcomed?
                  Hi mate , i tried these tips and after a while they went hard . Found them too hard for me . Could not get on with them at all , so i now use MW supertips which at the moment are perfect for me .
                  Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


                  • #69
                    Originally Posted by litho View Post
                    Hello everybody,

                    my name is Thomas Lindemann, and I'm the owner of Lithoshop - the German company who is selling Kamui in Germany and Europe, like some other dealers. Mike is one of my dealers.
                    If you please check out this official webpage of Kamui:
                    Here are all the official dealers, and you can see that I'm one of them.
                    So please be sure, that we, Mike and myself, just sell original Kamui tipps.

                    Kind regards
                    Thomas Lindemann
                    mike is based in th uk - therefore bce are the distributers. email sent to both bce and kamui.


                    • #70
                      Hi adr147
                      all listed dealers based in Europe have the right to sell insinde Europe. There exist no restriction for single countries, not in my contract with Kamui.
                      Kind regards
                      Thomas Lindemann


                      • #71
                        if that turns out to be the case then bce will be getting them back from me because i can't compete with that.


                        • #72
                          Back to the original subject. Today I bought a burwat champion with a Kamai tip on, it's a really solid hit, but for the price, I would buy these tips!

                          Unless anyone wants to quote a discount for around 90?
                          Old cue collector --
                          Cue Sales:
                          (yes I know they're not cheap, I didn't intend them to be!..)


                          • #73
                            anyone help me ?
                            have had a cue made an fitted with a kamui, i used the cue for about 4 hours an liked the feel. then had issue with cue an had it altered. have got the cue back (tip untouched) an the tip now feels like am playing with a penicl rubber on the end.
                            any ideas or suggestions.


                            • #74
                              Originally Posted by hatterboard View Post
                              anyone help me ?
                              have had a cue made an fitted with a kamui, i used the cue for about 4 hours an liked the feel. then had issue with cue an had it altered. have got the cue back (tip untouched) an the tip now feels like am playing with a penicl rubber on the end.
                              any ideas or suggestions.
                              Never heard of this before . I use a Kamui medium and it's a very good tip . Maybe something happened to the tip where it was being altered .
                              Only suggestion would be to change it i think .
                              Hopefully someone may come up with a better idea .
                              Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


                              • #75
                                Pheraps the tip may have got wet somehow and has softened up .Cant think of anything else that would make it play like this .

