Hey guys, as part of my A-level Technology and Design coursework, I have made a 2 piece snooker cue case, and laid it with Oak and Teak veneer. The interior is made from blue baize, and has two chalk holder pieces. Also, Chrome latches, handle and chrome butterfly hinges. Please find below some pictures of my finished project!
P.S I would like your views on the case (whether you like it or not, strengths etc, and approxiamtely how much cases like this could be sold for?)
P.P.S, I know the pictures are abit blury, but my camera is no good lol.
P.S I would like your views on the case (whether you like it or not, strengths etc, and approxiamtely how much cases like this could be sold for?)
P.P.S, I know the pictures are abit blury, but my camera is no good lol.