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Snooker to use led lighting

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  • Snooker to use led lighting

    Just been to my snooker and played on a new type of snooker light.
    The woman behind the bar told me it was an LED snooker light developed by Dennis Taylor who sometimes plays there.

    The light was very clear and shawing was minimal. The table actually looked green.

    I heard these were the first lights installed and would be interested to see when LED start transforming the game.

    LED actually give off no heat so it may also be the dreaded kick that effects the game so many times.

  • #2
    Sorry spelling mistake shadowing


    • #3
      Sounds pretty cool to me have to see what it looks like though...
      what a frustrating, yet addictive game this is....


      • #4
        Luke its in up in club in chester called q bar. I was only passing and fancied a beer and a few frames. They said they may be lauching it this month. Do you have a table at home or do you just play at a club.


        • #5
          Just at a club for me, luckily for me the club is about four doors away from my house.. Am I am the main person who plays on it so practically my table lol

          I'm getting clothe stretched next week Nd pockets sorted we just recently changed lights so probs won't get new on es for a while unfortunately...
          what a frustrating, yet addictive game this is....


          • #6

            there is an example in a german this:

            mind control > body control > cue control > ball control


            • #7
              looks pretty cool, infact it looks very much like the lights we WERE going to get for our table...
              what a frustrating, yet addictive game this is....


              • #8
                Raldon, I have read that thread the best I can with my rusty German, can I ask you to post a reply in that thread asking for what LED's he is using?

                I am looking for what Wattage they are and the milliamp usage per unit.

                I am also not sure what he is saying about the shadows! I think he is saying about the spread of the shadows with the LED's which would be different to professional lighting for the simple fact of position, height and other lighting factors at a venue, also the 32 strip lights used in professional events are covered with a diffusion layer to make what is effectively a light box.


                • #9
                  Surely they must be better than standard bulbs and CFLs though ? I'm no expert but I know thye're the most energy efficient lights available, more lumens per W than the others, and probably less glare, shadow etc due to being more uniform. Good move, so many clubs have crap lighting


                  • #10
                    I suppose it was inevitable really with the present eco drive.
                    "Normal" bulbs won't even be available in the future at all.

                    Do some of the older players remember the older coaches' recipe for aiming? "There's a bulb reflection on the object ball for every potting angle". Looks like that will go out the window now - if it hasn't already :-)


                    • #11
                      very good idea. My other half works at an Electrical wholesalers so i might get her to check out some LED light ideas for me. I imagine if you could build something that was alot more energy efficient and safer than the lights currently used you'd be on a good money making idea.


                      • #12
                        I can't read German, but I'm an electrician and recognize the meter as a device which measure's light lux levels. This is effectively how bright the light is, from the pictures it seems that they are saying the Lux levels are greater using the LED lights, I’m all for this as long as the colours look right, there is a club near me that uses low energy lamps, the colours are very dull and I just can't see the potting angle on the black at all.


                        • #13
                          Ferret, i will try to contact that guy and ask him about his english. Maybe i can get him on here, or maybe he can get in touch with you via email.

                          @cazmac: The official Billard rules in germany specify 500 lux minimum on the whole table. The guy said he measured table lightings in a lot of clubs....result: Almost less than 500, sometimes around 200, and sometimes less than 100 near the cushions...

                          The shadows are not a problem at all he said. There are of course more shadows, but even more constant over the whole table and closer to the balls.
                          mind control > body control > cue control > ball control


                          • #14
                            Originally Posted by Quackers View Post
                            Do some of the older players remember the older coaches' recipe for aiming? "There's a bulb reflection on the object ball for every potting angle". Looks like that will go out the window now - if it hasn't already :-)
                            im so glad you put this..thats how i learnt to play lol

                            it was ok until i found that not all clubs have set there lights up back to the drawing board i went...
                            what a frustrating, yet addictive game this is....


                            • #15
                              Lol, I know what you mean Luke Hooper. It's still a rough guide to the very new player though. But not for long it seems.

