Hey guys,
Ive got a slight problem
I used to use MW super tips
Now the problem is whenever i fit a new tip I feel like i am playing with sponge on my cue and I am all over the place
I used to try and get the tip a little hard and only then i could get my shots right and get the right feel
I recently wanted to get used to playing with soft tips so I started using blue diamond tips
Now the problem is i just cannot get any power on the shots and I dont feel as if I am even hitting the ball
The other thing what people used to tell me was that with a soft tip you get more spin and screw which i know is true but in my case with a soft tip I just cant seem to do a proper screw back
When i use a hard tip I can do some really good deep screws and controlled as well
Any idea on whats going wrong? Or should I just stick with hard tips
PS : Btw ive just go tmy talisman soft tips, gonna try it soon
Ive got a slight problem
I used to use MW super tips
Now the problem is whenever i fit a new tip I feel like i am playing with sponge on my cue and I am all over the place
I used to try and get the tip a little hard and only then i could get my shots right and get the right feel
I recently wanted to get used to playing with soft tips so I started using blue diamond tips
Now the problem is i just cannot get any power on the shots and I dont feel as if I am even hitting the ball
The other thing what people used to tell me was that with a soft tip you get more spin and screw which i know is true but in my case with a soft tip I just cant seem to do a proper screw back
When i use a hard tip I can do some really good deep screws and controlled as well
Any idea on whats going wrong? Or should I just stick with hard tips
PS : Btw ive just go tmy talisman soft tips, gonna try it soon