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The Best Chalk?

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  • #46
    Originally Posted by cueman
    I think Triangle is the most widely used and available, you rarely see other brands in the shops. I just wish they kept their original chalk and didn't change the recipe. The dark green chalk just sticks to the cue ball too much but the lighter green stuff is just too powdery and makes a mess of the table. I still have one cube of the original circa 2000. I don't know when they changed it but its still not right for me.
    Hi Dude,
    What you said is absolutely correct regarding Triangle shaped chalks and the other different shaped chalks,which makes a messy on the pool table.The Triangle shaped chalks are rare to find,but i think you can get it and also more information on it,in the site which i recently visited.It was COOLLLLLL

    Best Chalks


    • #47
      i use green triangle chalk


      • #48
        Triangle branded chalk is by far the best chalk there is. Any other chalk either leaves marks on the cueball, on the bed, promotes excessive mis-cues or all three.


        • #49
          I've been given four full boxes of blue chalk. 12 pieces in each. The boxes are old and read "Diamond billiard chalk. World chalk."

          Tim Dunkley


          • #50
            The chalk probably depends on the type of tip you are using. Green triangle is the most commonly used because elkmaster and blue diamond are the most common used tips both soft and both pressed leather. for a harder tip or a laminated tip i find a more gritty chalk like Blue triangle or green Master chalk is more suitable. each to their own i say.
            "Don't think, feel"


            • #51
              try using red chalk, now that is fine.:


              • #52
                Originally Posted by The Doctor
                The chalk probably depends on the type of tip you are using. Green triangle is the most commonly used because elkmaster and blue diamond are the most common used tips both soft and both pressed leather. for a harder tip or a laminated tip i find a more gritty chalk like Blue triangle or green Master chalk is more suitable. each to their own i say.
                I've switched to using talisman soft laminated tips for pool and snooker and have no intention of going back to elkies Their hardness is between an elk and a blue diamond but having seen a few old cues of late that were stained green it makes me think: if eventually my cues end up stained by chalk I'd rather it be with a colour simlar to the shaft rather than green so i'm considering a tan chalk which leads me to the Silver cup brand. What do you reckon to that ?


                • #53
                  i have tried silver cup and i don't like it. not enough grip for my liking. do you not get that colour in triangle? let us know of your progress though!!
                  "Don't think, feel"


                  • #54
                    Dont think i'll bother now Doc but thanks anyway.

                    Since posting I went for a game with my Uncle who when he turned up said he had not played for years and then took out his cue from his old tin case for the first time since I last played him apparently 23 years ago!

                    A maple cue that was varnished but at some time the last few inches had lost the varnish and were now stained green terribly. I imagine mainly because of the chalk that had gathered in the end of the tapered tin case which the cue had been in for so long. Afterwards I offered to sand his cue down and oil it for him which I did. The chalk stains came out far easier than I thought with just a bit of wire 0000 wool so now I just cant imagine any cue today ever getting so stained unless the user has a tapered tin case.


                    • #55
                      going back to the start i have e mailed tweeten to see what has happened to the illusive (and best) mid green chalk will reply here with the outcome


                      • #56
                        Does anyone know of Regency chalk. I found a box the other day I had put away quite a few years ago. Its made or used to be made in England


                        • #57
                          A few months ago I stumbled across some Triangle chalk which is slightly darker than the standard light green stuff and came in a pack of 3. I found it to be superb. The light green stuff left (lots of) trails on the cloth when playing anything below centre ball whereas this leaves none. This seems to grip the cueball much better also, so much so that a friend of mine immediately commented on the difference (when I kindly gave him my last block of the stuff) shortly before compiling his new personal best break.

                          I spoke to the owner of the club where I bought this chalk and he seems to think that the colour difference is down to the age of the chalk but he knows nothing about the (subtleties of the) game, and I know there's more to if than that.

                          I spent a while going through all the chalk he had (whilst getting strange looks from him) and found another couple of (4) multipacks of the same chalk which I promptly snatched, although, once again, I ended up giving a couple away to team mates.

                          Upon closer inspection the light green chalk had a style number T7001 whereas the better, darker chalk has a style number of T7001AS.

                          Does anyone know where to get the AS style chalk from as, if it is a date sensitive thing, I would like to get hold of as much (within reason) as I can while it's available as I'm finding it to make a huge difference.


                          • #58
                            Does anyone know where to get the AS style chalk from as, if it is a date sensitive thing, I would like to get hold of as much (within reason) as I can while it's available as I'm finding it to make a huge difference.[/QUOTE]

                            i tried emailing tweeten who make the chalk but have heard nothing back i will try again with your codes!


                            • #59
                              I have already touched on this, but let me go over it again.Triangle chalk is made for soft style snooker tips ie elk and blue diamond. i have been assured by Tweetens that there is no difference between any of their triangle chalk regard less of colour. however they did change some of the compounds a few years ago. so the other chalk might be an older stock. I like a lot of players you use a harder tip or have moved onto playing with the laminated tips like talisman or moori etc. then the softer style Master chalk would be a better choice. it has a better coverage and grip for this tyle of tip and was made for the American pool market, where they tend to play with a harder tip. i have been using talisman tips for 3 years now and have recently started using Master chalk. it is much better. the only problem is in the UK it is very difficult to get in green but very common in blue. i am trying to get a hold of some green from an American stockist and if anyone is interested in some please feel free to email me and i will let you know when i get any.
                              "Don't think, feel"


                              • #60
                                [QUOTE=The Doctor] i have been assured by Tweetens that there is no difference between any of their triangle chalk regard less of colour. however they did change some of the compounds a few years ago. so the other chalk might be an older stock.

                                so they did change the compound but its still the same hmmmmm i think thats talking rubbish

                                and not everyone likes hard tips most still prefer elks or blue diamonds including the proffessionals you may get a few more dud tips in a box but when they are 50 p each who cares if you have to throw a couple away.

                                hands up for light blue (not illuminous green) triangle chalk!

