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The Best Chalk?

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  • #61
    well you may be right in that they are only 50p a tip but they don't play the same as they did some years ago, hence why players like myself started to experiment with other tips. now, everyone has a choice in what type of tip they play with. all i am trying to do is give a little bit of advice to fellow members to save them the hassle of trying to find the right pairing of tip and chalk. i would appreciate if you where not quite so rude in your reply please, i am only trying to help.
    "Don't think, feel"


    • #62
      sounded more to me like you were promoting talisman and master chalk ... which i have used and find the amount of kicks and mis cues tend to increase. If you read above a few of us already know which we prefer and are trying to get hold of tweeten light blue triangle chalk and the fact that you said i think i already touched on this sounded pompous and that you hadnt read what people were asking for ! ..... not so mad

      you stick to your equipment, we will stick to ours! and i will try and help the people when they ask for it and hope i get some help back !

      yours lovingly and not changing his tip or chalk MORSE.


      • #63
        i never asked you to change your tip. you might find you miss-cued more because your cue action is not what it might be. Why would i promote any brand????? i am just another snooker player. i am only offering advice. i am not promoting anything. just giving my opinion. You know quite a lot of pro's are using laminated tips now but know what? some are still using Elk and Blue diamond too, so there you go, a choice is still available. you really need to take a chill pill m8.
        "Don't think, feel"


        • #64
          LMAO, we know players (pros) use different types of tips and most are still using elks and bluediamonds but some do use layered but we would know this having read this thread PROPERLY all i was commenting on was your stance that all triangle chalk is the same but they did change compounds recently ???????? (rofl) so therefore its not all the same which i think if you read up on the 7001 and 7001AS replies you may have understood. a few of us are trying to get hold of the old stuff because it is the best chalk for what WE want! so telling us its all the same and doesnt matter what colour really wasnt that helpful/correct now was it as you have already proved in your statement they changed compounds! and that old compound stuff is more than likely the stuff we all want but hey i dont want to point this out its all written down in the thread which you obviously read very very carefully


          • #65
            M8 i don't know what angle you are trying to make here
            i know the old chalk was better and i also understood everything in the previous posts regarding the different batches of chalk. All i said was, what was told to me by Tweetens. That, currently, no matter the colour of chalk, they are all the same. i.e. Blue Triangle is the same as Green Triangle and Blue Master was the same as Green Master. i don't know if this is fact or not, but this is what i was told by Tweetens!!!
            Now, my point therefor was that, after some experimenting, i found that the master chalk gave more coverage on my tip. i am not saying that everyone should change chalk or tips, i am/was only offering an alternative suggestion.
            Perhaps it is you, who should read more carefully.
            PS. if you do go back and read my posts. you will find that i said. "i have been assured by Tweetens that there is no difference between any of their triangle chalk regard less of colour. however they did change some of the compounds a few years ago."
            please read carefully.
            "Don't think, feel"


            • #66
              doh! and I thought I had the monopoly of starting arguements on this board.


              • #67
                Do you know if the change in compound has made the Triangle chalk harder or softer now than before?


                • #68
                  Originally Posted by gavinpoo
                  Do you know if the change in compound has made the Triangle chalk harder or softer now than before?
                  i'm not sure? I was told(not by tweetens, but by a stockist and main supplier to UK) that change was made a few years back. at least 3 years ago. All tweetens would say to me now is, the Triangle chalk is Harder than Master chalk no matter the colour. i quite like the softer master chalk. its not powdery. But each to their own eh!!!
                  "Don't think, feel"


                  • #69
                    Originally Posted by Wity
                    doh! and I thought I had the monopoly of starting arguements on this board.
                    I know Wity Ive seen some of your posts lol. only kiddin m8.
                    "Don't think, feel"


                    • #70
                      Originally Posted by gavinpoo
                      A few months ago I stumbled across some Triangle chalk which is slightly darker than the standard light green stuff and came in a pack of 3. I found it to be superb. The light green stuff left (lots of) trails on the cloth when playing anything below centre ball whereas this leaves none. This seems to grip the cueball much better also, so much so that a friend of mine immediately commented on the difference (when I kindly gave him my last block of the stuff) shortly before compiling his new personal best break.

                      I spoke to the owner of the club where I bought this chalk and he seems to think that the colour difference is down to the age of the chalk but he knows nothing about the (subtleties of the) game, and I know there's more to if than that.

                      I spent a while going through all the chalk he had (whilst getting strange looks from him) and found another couple of (4) multipacks of the same chalk which I promptly snatched, although, once again, I ended up giving a couple away to team mates.

                      Upon closer inspection the light green chalk had a style number T7001 whereas the better, darker chalk has a style number of T7001AS.

                      Does anyone know where to get the AS style chalk from as, if it is a date sensitive thing, I would like to get hold of as much (within reason) as I can while it's available as I'm finding it to make a huge differe

                      I've got a pack of the darker green chalk at home which I use at the minute. Was the last pack I brought from the snooker club. I previously used the lighter stuff too and I found the same thing, light chalk all over the cloth, the darker green sticks to the cue ball a lot more. I'll check the numbers out tonight when I get home.

                      Now forgive me, (as I've read all the previous posts on this thread) but since switching to the darker green Triangle, I've found more control over the cue ball. It maybe something as simple as concentrating more on each shot, but there we go. My two pennys worth.


                      • #71
                        Just checked, I do have the T7001AS darker green chalk. Two full cubes in the packet, a full and a part used one in the cue case.


                        • #72
                          Originally Posted by The Doctor
                          I have already touched on this, but let me go over it again.Triangle chalk is made for soft style snooker tips ie elk and blue diamond. i have been assured by Tweetens that there is no difference between any of their triangle chalk regard less of colour. however they did change some of the compounds a few years ago. so the other chalk might be an older stock. I like a lot of players you use a harder tip or have moved onto playing with the laminated tips like talisman or moori etc. then the softer style Master chalk would be a better choice. it has a better coverage and grip for this tyle of tip and was made for the American pool market, where they tend to play with a harder tip. i have been using talisman tips for 3 years now and have recently started using Master chalk. it is much better. the only problem is in the UK it is very difficult to get in green but very common in blue. i am trying to get a hold of some green from an American stockist and if anyone is interested in some please feel free to email me and i will let you know when i get any.
                          I saw your post and bought some master chalk (green).

                          It is a lot softer and I don't now if its the darker colour thats fooling me, but it felt closer to the older triangle dark green chalk than the current light one. But as I don't have an old piece of chalk around, I could be wrong.

                          Looking at Tweetens claim that all triangle chalk is the same, I tried the blue and light green. I feel they are different. The green is more powdery imho. But I can't tell if the grip level is different.

                          I've started playing after a gap of 5-6 years, and have not been able to get used to the new light green triangle chalk. Not mis-cueing, but I don't seem to get good coverage, and seem to concentrate more on chalking well before a shot that the shot itself.

                          if anyone has a couple of boxes of the dark green triangle, I'm willing to buy it off you


                          • #73
                            I prefer the National Tournament Chalk (NCCT) in blue, find it softer than the triangle chalk, it's hard to get hold of though, only one seller seen on e-bay, don't think can get over here anymore.


                            • #74
                              Carr's 'twisting' chalk - surely has to reign supreme!


                              • #75
                                i use silver cup chalk as i like to be odd i use purple and red at the moment an have ordered pink and copper and wine

                                this triangle chalk if it only changed about 3 years ago i have some of the old stuff i have 3 different greens 5 x dark 1 x slightly lighter 3 x a bit lighter than that 1 had them about 5-10 years also just given 30+ blocks to a childrens play center i work at some times (ok just to play pool lol)

