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The Best Chalk?

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  • I use Pioneer as well.


    • No relevance to the thread but I have just noticed another 2 members here that are banned. 1 of them after making an amazing 3,773 posts. Why are so many people banned? Did he suddenly go wrong after 3 years and almost 4,000 posts? I am intrigued.


      • I think that the old dark green triangle chalk is fantastic but cannot find it anywhere. Would love to buy a heap of it.


        • Was just looking for posts about chalk and saw this thread already here, Just wanted to see if peoples opinions have changed and what is it people use now. I use green triangle at the moment but will need to buy some new one's soon so was after peoples thoughts on what would be best to buy and if they know of any deals going


          • Originally Posted by shanewba90 View Post
            Was just looking for posts about chalk and saw this thread already here, Just wanted to see if peoples opinions have changed and what is it people use now. I use green triangle at the moment but will need to buy some new one's soon so was after peoples thoughts on what would be best to buy and if they know of any deals going

            I think a lot depends on the tips you,re using , if its a pressed tip , elk , blue diamond etc then i fing green triange the best . If you use , Talisman , Kamui etc then i find dark green triangle or Master sticks best .

            Green triangle does,nt stick to laminated tips as well and it gives you the impression that you are going to mis cue because of the lack of coverage , this very rarely happens though and still plays fine .


            • I currently use master billiards green chalk on a pressed tip.


              • Originally Posted by hotpot View Post
                I think a lot depends on the tips you,re using , if its a pressed tip , elk , blue diamond etc then i fing green triange the best . If you use , Talisman , Kamui etc then i find dark green triangle or Master sticks best .

                Green triangle does,nt stick to laminated tips as well and it gives you the impression that you are going to mis cue because of the lack of coverage , this very rarely happens though and still plays fine .
                I have a black Kamui medium tip and the green triangle doesn't cover too well. I then tried the blue master chalk which has much better coverage. I ordered some green master chalk and thats not much better than the triangle. It's a shame the blue chalk leaves marks on the cue ball, other players dont like it.


                • If you ask an American pool player the best chalk right now is supposed to be the USD $25-a-piece Kamui chalk.


                  • Originally Posted by poolqjunkie View Post
                    If you ask an American pool player the best chalk right now is supposed to be the USD $25-a-piece Kamui chalk.
                    would buy a block to try if i could find some lol


                    • I have no idea why they are selling their chalk for so much more than other companies'. They say something about you dont need to chalk as often and will miscue less...I chalk every shot and when I miscued it was not because I forgot to chalk, or because my chalk did not stay on my tip.
                      I am fine with master and triangle chalk.
                      I foresee some companies in the Far East will put a Kamui label on a piece of regular chalk and try to sell it for $25-$35 USD soon.LOL


                      • anyone tried the kumi chalk, £19 a cube....


                        • Have tried Kamui chalk it is very good you can find it on ebay. Will say thou it is way to expensive.


                            "You have to play the game like it means nothing, when in fact it means everything to you" Steve Davis.


                            • I found that generally all chalks would cover any tip better (tip being roughened properly) if they are reasonably 'dry' and not moist due to humidity in the room, so I put my box of green triangle chalk near the AC ... :-)


                              • I use a Kamui MH tip and I have just ordered some of their chalk. It is due either tomorrow or Wednesday and I have a Christmas knock out tournament on Thursday.

                                I will report back my findings. I am currently using Silver Cup which is better than the triangle one, but it does leave marks on the cue ball.


