I have now used 3 talisman medium tips over the last few months and all have delaminated whilst playing.Has anyone encountered this or is there a special way of trimming them down to fit the cue?
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Talisman Tips
I have been using both 10mm and 11mm and both of them delaminated. The soft version was easy to delaminate on the top layer if i had a bad misscue whereas the medium version used to delaminate in the middle of the tip between layers but no delamination so far since I put superglue on the side tho. You might want to try Aurora tip (they are good but it takes time to sand them down). I also want to try mike's laminated tip, would any one recommend them over talisman?
I believe it might be if you use a high dome on your tip that the top layer is too small with not enough purchase on the second layer. I have had one Talisman S de-layer on me but that was after 4 months of daily use so I can't complain.
I bought mine from ADR147 and they've all been good, however I usually order the 11mm which seem to be a little more resistant to de-layering, at least for me.
I've tried the Kamui MH but for some reason after a couple weeks they seem to go off for some reason. I have bought some Phoenix M from Stu Green but have yet to try them out. I also have some Aurora layered tips here and have tried them out with success although you have to remember to not recude the height of the tip and to not have too sharp a dome on the tip, something like the end of the baby finger is good for them and I find they hit very well and grip the cueball really well in addition to taking the chalk well.
TerryTerry Davidson
IBSF Master Coach & Examiner
11mm i have never had a problem myself. i guess like everything if you treat them nicely etc etc!
I've put Talisman tips on dads cue, and a mate's cue, several months ago. Both are still going strong and no hint of de-lam. Try getting the 11mm versions off Andrew (ADR147) next time. It might be how they're put on and trimmed up as well. I used a "tip trimmer" (looks like a giant pencil sharpener) on both and no issues.If you want to play the pink, but you're hampered by the red, you could always try to play the brown!