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Very unhappy!

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  • Very unhappy!

    I should have learnt from my previous error, but I stupidly had faith in people....

    Took my set of Aramiths to a tournament for use, as the balls at the club were to say the least, useless, left them on the table all day for others to use during the competition too, then packed them away at the end of the day....

    Today I took them out of the case to use for a match and guess what, some utter ******* has replaced 5 of my reds and the black with ones that are chipped............

    Very, very unhappy especially after the last time I did this some **** repalced my green ball with a crap one!

    If somebody out there has five spare reds and a black from a set of tournament balls then please PM me ASAP as I now have what is essentially an almost useless set of balls....

    One day I'll make a century, I've knocked in a 51!

  • #2
    There are some ******s out there DWOT . Can't the club sort you out or were they mistakenly swapped for other balls in the club ?
    Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


    • #3
      Originally Posted by neil taperell View Post
      There are some ******s out there DWOT . Can't the club sort you out or were they mistakenly swapped for other balls in the club ?
      It's not my club but have asked somebody who plays there to check for me to see, all the other colours look like my set (a few white spots I's not cleaned off), so it looks to me like somebody has replaced them!
      One day I'll make a century, I've knocked in a 51!


      • #4
        Got to say that you are more trustworthy than me .

        Someone else have a set with them and swapped them ? Surely they did not just walk out with them in their pockets !
        Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


        • #5
          Was certainly others there with sets of TP's too, most of them people I know too, which makes it all the more disheartening...
          One day I'll make a century, I've knocked in a 51!


          • #6
            Have been offered a 4 months old set for £50!
            One day I'll make a century, I've knocked in a 51!


            • #7
              DWOT a friend of mine has a few sets I will see if he has 5 Mint Reds and Black for you this week ok.


              • #8
                My mucka bought two lovely sets off Darren Morgan for around £30 each .


                • #9
                  He probably bought them when he was at the World Senoirs .

                  DWOT ....£50 Good price .
                  Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


                  • #10
                    It is a shame that there are some a-holes around if you ever find out who stole them i hope you give them a good smack.


                    • #11
                      Cheers chaps, any help would be great, though I have been advised that I'd need a complete set of reds as they might still be different sizes etc due to wear!

                      Still totally and utterly miffed to say the least though, from now on it's a case of no, sorry you can't use my balls to play with!
                      One day I'll make a century, I've knocked in a 51!


                      • #12
                        Not sure you would see much different in Size? But Colour Maybe I will check if he has 5 Good Shiney Reds and 1 Shiney Black without any Chips etc I wont charge you a Penny m8 so dont worry if there no good then no loss to yourself ok.

                        I just sold a Mint set for £25 before Xmas may get some more in soon myself if I do I will Message you m8 ok.


                        • #13
                          Are you able to get the 1G's at a good price Gareth ?
                          Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


                          • #14
                            What utter thieving *******s.

                            The world would be so much nicer if there weren't so many anti-social ******s around not giving a stuff about anybody other than themselves. It really, really would.


                            • #15
                              It sounds like the lesson has been learned here.
                              As much of a sad state of affairs that it is, People are now not trustworthy to be left with something that isn't theirs. (even if it is for their benefit!)
                              Last year (or the year before) we had a guy from a different club come in and play the league match, then swap the white after with one from his coat jacket. Unfortunately, only 2 people from our team (me and one other guy) saw it, where as all of their team immediately jumped to his defense, saying they were using his white etc that he always carries with him, and was changing it back.
                              This was bulls**t, as we had changed the balls, and watched them play the frame after without them changing it. We ended up with a really chipped/marked white. Now on, all players after the match use the crap balls. They swap them, they're welcome to them.
                              If you want to play the pink, but you're hampered by the red, you could always try to play the brown!

