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The perfect tip shape

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  • The perfect tip shape

    Could some of you guys who are ace at re-tipping post a couple of pictures of what they consider to be the perfect tip shape, (anyone had a close up of the cue tip shape the pros use),this info would be of great help to all of us who are crap at D.I.Y.

  • #2
    Originally Posted by denja View Post
    Could some of you guys who are ace at re-tipping post a couple of pictures of what they consider to be the perfect tip shape, (anyone had a close up of the cue tip shape the pros use),this info would be of great help to all of us who are crap at D.I.Y.
    Great question - I've often wondered about this myself, but like most things I suspect this comes down to personal preference.


    • #3


      • #4
        Very nice ! out of interest have you ever seen the John Parris re-tip video on u tube the finished tip is VERY domed almost ball shaped with very little side wall .


        • #5
          I'm not too keen on a tip with very a high point, if that makes any sense lol , Anyways I like to shape my tips like this



          • #6
            Originally Posted by snookerloopy_08 View Post
            I'm not too keen on a tip with very a high point, if that makes any sense lol , Anyways I like to shape my tips like this

            JESUS!!!! your ferrel blinded me lol i dnt have the patience to buff it like that tho


            • #7
              You'd win an award for that ferrule! Nice work

