I am sure a few of you saw The Big Idea on SKY ONE. A guy called Des Morley invented a product called the Flexi-Rest which I think will revolutionise snooker. It has been passed for use in EBSA events and has been demonstarted on BBC by Steve Davis and John Parrott.
If you haven't seen one then here if you have played with one let me know what you think. The rest can be used to replace all 5 of the existing rests available.
When I first saw it I was a bit sceptical due to the fact that the "arm" is flexible however having now seen one in the flesh and tried it out once the arm has been moved to the desired position the rest is still solid enough to not move on the shot.
Anyway any thoughts?
I am sure a few of you saw The Big Idea on SKY ONE. A guy called Des Morley invented a product called the Flexi-Rest which I think will revolutionise snooker. It has been passed for use in EBSA events and has been demonstarted on BBC by Steve Davis and John Parrott.
If you haven't seen one then here if you have played with one let me know what you think. The rest can be used to replace all 5 of the existing rests available.
When I first saw it I was a bit sceptical due to the fact that the "arm" is flexible however having now seen one in the flesh and tried it out once the arm has been moved to the desired position the rest is still solid enough to not move on the shot.
Anyway any thoughts?