Hi guys, just to confirm that i will not be taking any case orders anymore
There are a number of reasons why i have decided to stop making them, but i dont need to bore you
with the details.
i would just like to thank all who have bought cases from me, and supported me over the past 8 years !
i may from time to time make a case and put it on here or ebay, but that is just a possibility as i do have
a fair bit of stock still hanging around ?
for anyone who is waiting on a case i am still working on the last batch so dont worry
There are a number of reasons why i have decided to stop making them, but i dont need to bore you
with the details.
i would just like to thank all who have bought cases from me, and supported me over the past 8 years !
i may from time to time make a case and put it on here or ebay, but that is just a possibility as i do have
a fair bit of stock still hanging around ?
for anyone who is waiting on a case i am still working on the last batch so dont worry