Here comes the latest thing in lighting, the LED Flat Panel...

I know it looks in the picture like a whiteboard or something, but believe me it's a light, and a pretty awesome one at that. It's less than 1/2" thick, draws only 84 watts of power, and yet it gives off a full 4500 Lumen of pure white light, perfect for lighting any pool or snooker table -- and at only a fraction of the power usage of fluorescent bulbs. Each panel will last an average of 50,000 - 60,000 hours with NO loss of light output. They're really incredible.

Here it is hung over a 4.5x9' pool table. This panel is 2' x 4', weighs right around 18 lbs, and is hanging at about 7.5' off the floor. You can see that it easily gives off enough light at that height to bathe the table in tons of soft, white light with very little glare or shadow, and by the way no heat either!

In this particular room the owner has hung the lights using very thin cable, which gives them the effect of floating over the table (very cool), but there are lots of other hanging methods. The panels are so light you can do about whatever you want with them. Each one only weighs about 18lbs!

Because they're so bright you can also hang them quite a bit higher than normal, which opens up your space a lot better. You tall players don't have to worry about banging your heads on the lights if you stand up fast, and club owners don't have to worry about a stray cue or cue ball breaking the light blubs and showering the table with glass.
Here's a close up of a ball at the middle of the table. Note how little shadow there is, and how sharp the edges appear.

Here's another shot of a ball near the rail...

LED is the lighting of the future, and believe me, all you snooker nuts will love it! There's very little glare, the edges are sharp, and you can play under them for hours and hours with no ill effects. We're using a 2'x4' panel here to light a 4.5x9' pool table, and two such panels end to end would easily be enough for a 6x12 snooker table. If you want insane light you can even try going with more, but I personally don't think that would be necessary. PM me if you would like more information. They're already selling like hotcakes in the pool world, I'm sure they'll be just as perfect a fit in the snooker world.
Available sizes are 2x4, 1x4, and 2x2. We can ship anywhere worldwide and any electrician can easily wire them to your power source. Best of all they're cost effective. You can probably set up for less than the cost of a commercial grade light fixture housing fluorescent bulbs, and they draw only about 1/4 of the power.
Any questions or comments fire away...

I know it looks in the picture like a whiteboard or something, but believe me it's a light, and a pretty awesome one at that. It's less than 1/2" thick, draws only 84 watts of power, and yet it gives off a full 4500 Lumen of pure white light, perfect for lighting any pool or snooker table -- and at only a fraction of the power usage of fluorescent bulbs. Each panel will last an average of 50,000 - 60,000 hours with NO loss of light output. They're really incredible.

Here it is hung over a 4.5x9' pool table. This panel is 2' x 4', weighs right around 18 lbs, and is hanging at about 7.5' off the floor. You can see that it easily gives off enough light at that height to bathe the table in tons of soft, white light with very little glare or shadow, and by the way no heat either!

In this particular room the owner has hung the lights using very thin cable, which gives them the effect of floating over the table (very cool), but there are lots of other hanging methods. The panels are so light you can do about whatever you want with them. Each one only weighs about 18lbs!

Because they're so bright you can also hang them quite a bit higher than normal, which opens up your space a lot better. You tall players don't have to worry about banging your heads on the lights if you stand up fast, and club owners don't have to worry about a stray cue or cue ball breaking the light blubs and showering the table with glass.
Here's a close up of a ball at the middle of the table. Note how little shadow there is, and how sharp the edges appear.

Here's another shot of a ball near the rail...

LED is the lighting of the future, and believe me, all you snooker nuts will love it! There's very little glare, the edges are sharp, and you can play under them for hours and hours with no ill effects. We're using a 2'x4' panel here to light a 4.5x9' pool table, and two such panels end to end would easily be enough for a 6x12 snooker table. If you want insane light you can even try going with more, but I personally don't think that would be necessary. PM me if you would like more information. They're already selling like hotcakes in the pool world, I'm sure they'll be just as perfect a fit in the snooker world.
Available sizes are 2x4, 1x4, and 2x2. We can ship anywhere worldwide and any electrician can easily wire them to your power source. Best of all they're cost effective. You can probably set up for less than the cost of a commercial grade light fixture housing fluorescent bulbs, and they draw only about 1/4 of the power.
Any questions or comments fire away...