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Are Halo cases any good?

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  • #16
    Abc snooker are selling them for £68 now that's a bargain.


    • #17
      Not bad! Dave coutts is £80 inc postage too.
      James lovell


      • #18
        ADR147 sells them on his eBay site, give him a PM to see what he could do.


        • #19
          I have a 1pc Halo case and I'm delighted. A fair price for a decent case You won't be disappointed.
          #Age: 22 HB#: 82 #Cue: Mike Wooldridge Vintage Cue # Tip: Mike Wooldridge BlackSpin #Best performance in tournament: Semi-final in an "open to all" Swedish tournament 2015, Swedish U16 tournament champion October 2007 #Current rank in Sweden: 15


          • #20
            Love my halo ..


            • #21
              I've bought one now went to snooker with it last night... Nice case! I was expecting it to be a lot heavier, It feels very nice to carry!
              I went for the double 1pc version. I don't think it's as secure/safe as a 1pc cue craft but it's more refined. The catches are not as positive as I hoped they would be either... one really annoying thing I've found is when you open it to take the cue out (because of its weight) it tips over backwards, this is something I've never had withe cue craft case. Overall: 7/10
              James lovell


              • #22
                Originally Posted by jlowap View Post
                I've bought one now went to snooker with it last night... Nice case! I was expecting it to be a lot heavier, It feels very nice to carry!
                I went for the double 1pc version. I don't think it's as secure/safe as a 1pc cue craft but it's more refined. The catches are not as positive as I hoped they would be either... one really annoying thing I've found is when you open it to take the cue out (because of its weight) it tips over backwards, this is something I've never had withe cue craft case. Overall: 7/10
                Yeah, that's the biggest negative!
                #Age: 22 HB#: 82 #Cue: Mike Wooldridge Vintage Cue # Tip: Mike Wooldridge BlackSpin #Best performance in tournament: Semi-final in an "open to all" Swedish tournament 2015, Swedish U16 tournament champion October 2007 #Current rank in Sweden: 15


                • #23
                  Personally I would go for the Cue Craft cases over the Halo everytime. Don't like the riveted plastic end caps, the catches, lack of chalk compartment and there's not much room inside, plus the already mentioned problem of them tipping over. Imo Cue Craft aluminium cases are the best you can get. Few different colours available aswell.


                  • #24
                    Have to agree with you... Just a shame I couldn't find anywhere that's had a review or similar.
                    James lovell


                    • #25
                      Originally Posted by Dave Walton View Post
                      Personally I would go for the Cue Craft cases over the Halo everytime. Don't like the riveted plastic end caps, the catches, lack of chalk compartment and there's not much room inside, plus the already mentioned problem of them tipping over. Imo Cue Craft aluminium cases are the best you can get. Few different colours available aswell.
                      What do you think causes the case to tip over backwards? Been trying to get mine to do it but it won't. I keep my cue in the front channell and extensions in the back one.


                      • #26
                        i rather like the halo's but they do tip over as somebody said!


                        • #27
                          Originally Posted by Bigmeek View Post
                          What do you think causes the case to tip over backwards? Been trying to get mine to do it but it won't. I keep my cue in the front channell and extensions in the back one.
                          I guess having an extension is the key!
                          James lovell


                          • #28
                            Originally Posted by Bigmeek View Post
                            Originally Posted by Dave Walton View Post
                            Personally I would go for the Cue Craft cases over the Halo everytime. Don't like the riveted plastic end caps, the catches, lack of chalk compartment and there's not much room inside, plus the already mentioned problem of them tipping over. Imo Cue Craft aluminium cases are the best you can get. Few different colours available aswell.
                            What do you think causes the case to tip over backwards? Been trying to get mine to do it but it won't. I keep my cue in the front channell and extensions in the back one.
                            Its probably just the angle that it opens at and with the bottom half being narrow


                            • #29
                              Originally Posted by Dave Walton View Post
                              Its probably just the angle that it opens at and with the bottom half being narrow
                              Ah yes, see what you mean. If I take everything out of the case it tips over quite easily. Not so easy if I leave the extensions in the rear channel. Maybe the lid is heavier than the bottom bit. Won't keep me awake at night lol.


                              • #30
                                The cue craft ones are bordering on indestructible, can't beat them!

