Well after much talking I actually got round to making leather snooker case so I could write a blog and see how much pain was involved.
I have a new found respect for guys that make these cases as it's certainly not a money maker!
I have a blog article on my website for any of you that are interested: Making a leather snooker case
The equipment is expensive (especially as you will inevitably buy the wrong stuff initially), the leather is hard to keep finding and people think the end product is over priced for the effort that goes in.
I'm astounded that anyone makes a leather case at all considering the effort that must be made to research leather, resource everything and finally put the whole lot together and sell it against cheaper products from abroad.
Anyway. I thought I would share the pictures so you could see some of the journey for yourselves. I am now looking at the brass protectors and trying to decide if I ever want to see another piece of leather again!!
I have a new found respect for guys that make these cases as it's certainly not a money maker!
I have a blog article on my website for any of you that are interested: Making a leather snooker case
The equipment is expensive (especially as you will inevitably buy the wrong stuff initially), the leather is hard to keep finding and people think the end product is over priced for the effort that goes in.
I'm astounded that anyone makes a leather case at all considering the effort that must be made to research leather, resource everything and finally put the whole lot together and sell it against cheaper products from abroad.
Anyway. I thought I would share the pictures so you could see some of the journey for yourselves. I am now looking at the brass protectors and trying to decide if I ever want to see another piece of leather again!!