Not wanting to stump up over 100 quid for two ally cases I'd thought I'd make my own out of 9mm ply so bought a small sheet, cut some pieces to size but despite drilling it split with every small screw I inserted to piece it all togther. So I looked on ebay for wooden boxes and found one close to the size I wanted for only 13 quid, length and width was spot on but depth was a bit more but I thought I could cut it down to size.
When boxes arrived I found the hinges fitted were inside the timber, no screws visible (?) so although I could cut down the main box to the right depth and fit new hinges, the top of the box would have to have the hinges removed at risk of damaging the wood so I bought some two inch foam, wrapped it in some green velour fabric and glued it inside the lid to take up the slack, fitted some handles and a nice catch that can be locked with a long shank small padlock and voila two very nice cases for my two sets of balls (one original SC's and one Aramith SC's) for an outlay of about 20 quid each.
When boxes arrived I found the hinges fitted were inside the timber, no screws visible (?) so although I could cut down the main box to the right depth and fit new hinges, the top of the box would have to have the hinges removed at risk of damaging the wood so I bought some two inch foam, wrapped it in some green velour fabric and glued it inside the lid to take up the slack, fitted some handles and a nice catch that can be locked with a long shank small padlock and voila two very nice cases for my two sets of balls (one original SC's and one Aramith SC's) for an outlay of about 20 quid each.