Hi all, i am newish to playing snooker, i have knocked a few balls round the table on several occasions during my life, but never took it seriously before, i have just started playing on a Monday night in my local social club, where i play darts predominantly, but was asked to cover one week as they were short of players, and i really liked it, so off i trotted and bought myself a new cue. I got a Cannon Synergy, not the worlds best cue, but it was what i could afford, i have now played with it a few times(after leaving it due to illness for almost a year), i played last Monday and lost on the black, must say that this is a handicap league, and being a new player i am off +15, my opponent was off +18, so i gave him a 3 point start lol, most of my team mates are all around the +35 mark, anyway, we got to the last red, i managed to pot the red, followed by the brown, then potted all the colours up to the black which i rattled in the jaws, and he then potted, so i lost by 1 point, and i was well pleased with myself even though i lost, it was my highest break, 25 points, anyway my question. The cue came with a Blue Chrome tip (whatever that is), and when i play a shot it sounds rock hard, i also struggle to get any movement on the cue ball, i have not had any miscues yet, i also asked a few team mates to try the cue and they also hard a hard time getting the cue ball to react to screw shots or really take any side spin, they said the tip needs changing, this is where i am confused, which tip to replace it with, Elks have so much bad press, don't think i want a laminated tip as i don't want to spend to much on a tip just yet, when i start to find out what i like or works for me, then i can start paying a bit more. I have to take into account that i need to play a shop to change the tip for me as well as buying the tip, so that is around £15 every time i change, and if i get a bad tip that's another £15, so any advice on a new tip would really help, i think a soft to medium tip to start may help me, as i believe this would help with imparting spin on the cue ball.
Looking on the internet has really just made things even worse lol so many different reviews.
Cheers Andy
Looking on the internet has really just made things even worse lol so many different reviews.
Cheers Andy