Have been doing a little bit of searching recently All about Tips, there are loads of threads going back 10 years and more, so its a subject that will allways evolve.
Anyway I've made a decision.
But I was surprised in a number of threads where People were buying pressed soft tips and then putting them in a press to harden them, dosen't this defeat the object ? why buy a soft tip in the first place.
Am just curious, I'm sure the more knowledgable here on TSF will have an answer.
I was searching for something with consistancy which I think I've found which would negate any need for a press.
Anyway I've made a decision.
But I was surprised in a number of threads where People were buying pressed soft tips and then putting them in a press to harden them, dosen't this defeat the object ? why buy a soft tip in the first place.
Am just curious, I'm sure the more knowledgable here on TSF will have an answer.
I was searching for something with consistancy which I think I've found which would negate any need for a press.