Here's the cue cases I've made and will go on ebay soon.
I'd much apprecieate your comments and irrespective of wether you want one or not I'd love to see some posts saying what you would be prepared to pay for them if you were. I think I'll put them up for auction with a buy it now price, not decided yet though.
The tubes themselves are top grade polywhatucallit and come as white. I sand them and polish them to a nice pearly shine and they can be had painted or left white. Whites probably best but I've sprayed and lacquered some and they look great perticulary the VW metalic grey which I've been using for a couple of weeks now and it's not even scratched one bit besides being carried in taxis and on the bus.
They are as tough as hell. Even Heathrows baggage handlers will have problems busting them let alone the postman. We've held them like a baseball bat and battered them against the corner of a brick wall putting our all into it and hardly made a scratch in the plastic. I'd post a pic but it simply does not show. They are not indistructable though as I found when I put one against the wall at 45 degrees and sorta kung fu kicked it in half.
The base plug is hard plastic once in it's not going to come out unless you prise it out with a thin blade then a thicker one. They should last years as they are the sort they put into office chairs, those made of tubular steel.
Continued in next post...
I'd much apprecieate your comments and irrespective of wether you want one or not I'd love to see some posts saying what you would be prepared to pay for them if you were. I think I'll put them up for auction with a buy it now price, not decided yet though.
The tubes themselves are top grade polywhatucallit and come as white. I sand them and polish them to a nice pearly shine and they can be had painted or left white. Whites probably best but I've sprayed and lacquered some and they look great perticulary the VW metalic grey which I've been using for a couple of weeks now and it's not even scratched one bit besides being carried in taxis and on the bus.
They are as tough as hell. Even Heathrows baggage handlers will have problems busting them let alone the postman. We've held them like a baseball bat and battered them against the corner of a brick wall putting our all into it and hardly made a scratch in the plastic. I'd post a pic but it simply does not show. They are not indistructable though as I found when I put one against the wall at 45 degrees and sorta kung fu kicked it in half.
The base plug is hard plastic once in it's not going to come out unless you prise it out with a thin blade then a thicker one. They should last years as they are the sort they put into office chairs, those made of tubular steel.
Continued in next post...