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  • #16
    OK it's time to come clean. I started this thread because I designed the K-Rest and I want to understand people's perceptions of it. Although It's taken a bit of a battering here, it is reassuring to see that the only person to have actually tried the K-Rest gave a positive reply. Thanks Ferret.

    It's clear there's a problem getting the idea across. I don't know whether it's with me or whether the concept is simply too far removed from standard rest-play to be understood quickly. I've explained the K-Rest to some of the world's best known players and although many understand it, the response from some of them is just mind-boggling: "Yeah, it's another twist on the hookrest" and "It's a bit short isn't it?" for example.

    I am very disappointed that the K-Rest I gave to Joe Swail caused so much hilarity. I know that Joe saw a demonstration by one of my customers in John Parris's shop last year. My customer wanted to buy one to send to Joe as he understood he was interested in it. Of course I didn't let him pay.

    I would say to those who doubt. Try playing some rest shots in this way using a normal cross-head rest. Ideally chop one down to about 1 metre long or put a cross head on a child's cue. Stay in your regular stance, use an extended cue and keep the cue level. Don't try to screw, you'll have to raise the butt of the cue and this will change your stance. Just try a few shots and see how different it feels. The sighting of the shot and the amount of power and control you have will be noticeably different. With a standard cross-head, you should be able to apply a lot of top, much more than in traditional rest-play.

    Give it a go and see how it goes.


    • #17
      feel free to send me one and i will pass it around forum members etc and give it an honest and fair review - interestingly I actually use a cross head rest in a similar way to how the k rest would be used.


      • #18
        Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
        feel free to send me one and i will pass it around forum members etc and give it an honest and fair review - interestingly I actually use a cross head rest in a similar way to how the k rest would be used.
        Ha! Consider that one 'pending further enquiries'. Possibly.


        • #19
          maybe you should read my acuerate review first!!! - PM me by the way i am in the trade.


          • #20
            I have heard of the flex rest and the hook rest but have never seen them being used in any professional tournament. May be the snooker crowd is a bit more conservative.

            By the way, you can let the rest butt end rest on your shoulder and shoot using the normal stance. I have seen 9 ball players do that. I have tried it myself even with the long rest! But I will be too embarassed to do it in front of a crowd in a tournament to be honest.

            The problem with the rest shot using the normal stance is not the stance, but the bridge length which is causing the problem(control, accurancy...etc) in my opinion.


            • #21
              I think its a good idea. Not that its a new revolution or anything. As pooljunkie mentioned some poolplayers have been doin similar for a long time.

              I probably should try it. I'm pretty horrible with the rest but I would hate haveing to go get my extension on every other restshot. I know it shouldn't feel like a hazzle but it actually does. I guess I'm lazy :-)

              I would say its a good product to try if you're uncomfortable cueing with the rest

              btw: You should definitely send one of these to Tony Drago, maybe Matthew Stevens. Tony's been quoted holding the rest saying "This thing has cost me millions!" :-D


              • #22
                Originally Posted by poolqjunkie View Post
                The problem with the rest shot using the normal stance is not the stance, but the bridge length which is causing the problem(control, accuracy...etc) in my opinion.
                Remember that the K-Rest is for rest-play. Whichever rest you use, the bridge will be long. When you use the K-Rest your eye is actually closer to the action than with traditional rests. Most players will be more accurate and controlled because they are using their regular stance and cue-action.

                I'm not saying that the K-Rest could replace traditional rest-play, sometimes it's just too convenient to grab the X-head. But there are times when the shot is important enough to warrant the time.

                When you see a player using the X-head, ask yourself if they would be using it if the their bridging arms was twice as long. That's the idea behind the K-Rest.
                Last edited by stegorjus; 26 February 2008, 09:47 AM.


                • #23
                  well i am looking forward to trying it as are the other people i asked you to send one to. we will sort some sort of deal out.


                  • #24
                    Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
                    well i am looking forward to trying it as are the other people i asked you to send one to. we will sort some sort of deal out.
                    Having read your acuerate review, I am a little nervous


                    • #25
                      lol but you are not asking £350-£400 for a cheap chinese cue!!


                      • #26
                        andrew, whereabouts is the acuerate cue review please?
                        Its not how well you play its how good you look playing that counts!


                        • #27
                          not sure mate under cues somewhere - don't drag it up just now i have an acuerate cue to sell!


                          • #28
                            its arrived and has been tested and forwarded on !! i like it its a good idea and its a pretty well put together bit of kit. i like the left handed right handed option that would be useful for people, also i notice that if i removed the k and the foam handle i could put it in my cue case, it has much more chance of being used if thats the case!! as for the playing with it i found that the reach for me was very good and in reality it would allow a normal stance and cue action on the vast majority of rest shots. even as just a head design i rather like it and would prefer it to a standard rest for some reason i found it easier to cue through the ball than with a cross head rest. - i will maybe do a full review later - i am working on one for the spoony just now - expensive bit of wire that!


                            • #29
                              Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
                              its arrived and has been tested and forwarded on !! i like it its a good idea and its a pretty well put together bit of kit.........

                              I'll settle for that. Did the foam handle come off? It should have been glued!


                              • #30
                                Well I like the idea! I tested it on the X rest today and potting success rate increased rapidly so I'm about to buy one for sure!

