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what is the best way to shape your Tip not scratching the

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  • what is the best way to shape your Tip not scratching the

    After placing a new tip what is the best way to shape the new tip and get rid of extra edges with out scratching the ferrule ?

    sand paper usualy scratch the ferrule when you try to get red of the extra edges.

    I bought a new parris cue and the tip was fitted so nicly with a doom shape no extra edges and no ferrule scratches at all and i wonder if there is a special machine to do that?

  • #2
    try masking tape on the ferrule? or just be very careful and take your time.

    you will only scratch it if your hacking away at it.


    • #3
      to a certain extent scratching the ferrule does not matter if you have some very fine sand paper or some of the papers I have seen on ebay for sale, using them around the ferrule rather than up and down with bring the ferrule back to life and shine up a treat
      Its not how well you play its how good you look playing that counts!


      • #4
        Originally Posted by Abs View Post
        After placing a new tip what is the best way to shape the new tip and get rid of extra edges with out scratching the ferrule ?

        sand paper usualy scratch the ferrule when you try to get red of the extra edges.

        I bought a new parris cue and the tip was fitted so nicly with a doom shape no extra edges and no ferrule scratches at all and i wonder if there is a special machine to do that?
        I am pretty sure with a new cue its done a lathe. I wish there was a nice handheld machine that would do the edges of a tip easily!
        Mayur Jobanputra, Snooker Coach and Snooker Enthusiast
        My Snooker Blog:


        • #5
          not all cues are done on a lathe, i have seen how Trevor White does his tips, in approx 90 secs by using a simple sharp stanley blade, 800 and 200 grade papers. Rather than the traditional way of turning the cue upside down and taking the sides off with a scalpel he takes the blade around the tip keeping the blade tight to the ferrule...Not for the feinthearted was my reaction, but very effective if you are confident enough

          It makes sense as the blade is "rounding the tip flush to the ferrule rather than the tradional way in which you are in effect taking flat sections off making a not round tip but possibly octagonal which you then shape with the sandpaper after
          Its not how well you play its how good you look playing that counts!


          • #6
            I use a scalpel as well, as stated above make sure it's very sharp, have a steady hand and go round, if you mess it up then you'll cause an accordian effect. If done properly you save yourself a load of time and can concentrate on getting the dome done to your preference, although don't worry about getting it perfect as once you play a few frames you'll need to redo the tip again as the impacts will have reshaped it.


            • #7
              I sometimes use DuraGlit, a cloth material that has metal polish inpregnated into it, you can get it from DIY shops here in the UK, to polish the ferrule and the joints.

              don't like to get it on the wood of the cue or allow the polish to get on the tip... but it makes the ferrule look like new

              this place sells it online ;



              • #8
                Originally Posted by archalf1471 View Post
                not all cues are done on a lathe, i have seen how Trevor White does his tips, in approx 90 secs by using a simple sharp stanley blade, 800 and 200 grade papers. Rather than the traditional way of turning the cue upside down and taking the sides off with a scalpel he takes the blade around the tip keeping the blade tight to the ferrule...Not for the feinthearted was my reaction, but very effective if you are confident enough

                It makes sense as the blade is "rounding the tip flush to the ferrule rather than the tradional way in which you are in effect taking flat sections off making a not round tip but possibly octagonal which you then shape with the sandpaper after
                That's exactly the problem I have been having for ages now. I hate putting tips on my cue. I'm almost tempted to get a lathe just to put tips on
                Mayur Jobanputra, Snooker Coach and Snooker Enthusiast
                My Snooker Blog:


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by archalf1471 View Post
                  not all cues are done on a lathe, i have seen how Trevor White does his tips, in approx 90 secs by using a simple sharp stanley blade, 800 and 200 grade papers....
                  hi archalf1471, are you referring to this?


                  i think i'll take a good chunk out of my finger if i were to do that...
                  When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back. GET MAD!!


                  • #10
                    I tried that from youtube posted by damienlch, and effects are really nice! After cutting by blade i used sandpaper 1500 grit. This is a very good and fast way to shape tip.


                    • #11
                      i find the problem with that technique is that its really difficult to do on really hard tips, like pro granite. i find even though laminated tips are hard, they hav a bit more giv when cutting like this. also if the tips too soft, itll come apart with the pressure, like soft BDs. so i still turn mine upside down, takes me about 90 seconds aswell. although i use really sharp scalpel craft knives with changeable blades.


                      • #12
                        Originally Posted by martinii View Post
                        I tried that from youtube posted by damienlch, and effects are really nice! After cutting by blade i used sandpaper 1500 grit. This is a very good and fast way to shape tip.
                        i'm glad you found that useful, martinii... that youtube video was by trevor white... i found it under the thread titled "Best way to hand sand side of tip" (
                        When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back. GET MAD!!


                        • #13
                          Originally Posted by damienlch View Post
                          i'm glad you found that useful, martinii... that youtube video was by trevor white... i found it under the thread titled "Best way to hand sand side of tip" (
                          its much harder than he makes it look!


                          • #14
                            Everything seems to be hard at the first time until you try and practice...


                            • #15
                              i have been doing it for 20 years trust me it looks easy there!

