The case I bought recently that came with the cue is a one piece ali job by cuecraft. Nice case actually with an anodised blue finish to the ali and it holds two cues sound. The foam inside looks naff though sorta a faded out with age blue so I've just ordered some crushed blue velvet off ebay that'll make it look plush (running close to the posers that buy leather ones here I know lol).
Anyways on the outside there's a brass plaque probably glued on with araldite or simlar with the Riley motif in black etched/stamped/engraved whatever. Why thats there I have no idea but getting it off will be a pain so anyone got any ideas and or hints to cover it up?. I'm thinking of probably applying a nice bit of veneer.
Anyways on the outside there's a brass plaque probably glued on with araldite or simlar with the Riley motif in black etched/stamped/engraved whatever. Why thats there I have no idea but getting it off will be a pain so anyone got any ideas and or hints to cover it up?. I'm thinking of probably applying a nice bit of veneer.