Originally Posted by ADR147
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Snooker cue tip recommendation
Originally Posted by bringmeflowers View Post
Like a lot of things, it's trial and error. I could tell your son what he should use to get the best sound but my sound isn't going be his sound and vise versa. I'm sure you know yourself what wood is good and bad and how it reacts and sounds.
I HIGHLY recommend ADR tips! I have a medium on, its been on my cue for probably more than a year. These I can honestly say are the first tips that have given me confidence in its reliability AND lasted a whole long time. I have the medium blacks. Don't think I will be switching to anything else. They don't lose shape, play consistent, and last forever basically. I play about 3-4 times a week on average.
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Thank youfor your suggestions. I did say I wanted something softer than the other two brands but still held its shape. I am willing to purchase adr tips. I have found a website which is giving amazing offers. Click Here to visit