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your oppinion on these cues please?

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  • your oppinion on these cues please?

    link to the cue

    ok so a mate of mine has bought one and it seems to be a lovely cue but i want your oppinions?

  • #2
    i bought my dad 1 a few months back he only plays once a week so its ok for him i put a good tip on it and it does what he needs a good beginners cue but if your serious about the game i would look else where.


    • #3
      well i already have been playing a while i have two cues peradon edwardian ( i dont use)

      and my playing cue now which is a cymru cue's cue which to be honest i despratley need to move on from its no good really it does the job but i need a much better cue to improve


      • #4
        They look strangly like the beginner Robin Scott Cues - look at the badge. Anyway, I'm not good with cues so please don't take my comment seriously.
        只讓我們相戀 這一季的秋天, 飄落後才發現 這幸福的碎片。要我怎麼撿。


        • #5
          The chances are, that cue won't be much of a step up from the cue you use now. There have been dozens of these Chinese cues under various names going on ebay in the last few years. They're okay from what I've seen, but that's it they lack a certain je ne sais quoi. And as the saying goes "Buy cheap buy twice" Why not just put the money towards a good cue, worth it for a lifetime's use.


          • #6
            wise words

            yes trouble is i want to spend around 80 - 100 possibly but i dont know where to look or brand :/


            • #7
              If you could stretch it to 150-200 you could get a quality cue. Ask for a plain Ebony and ash (or maple) saying you want quality but keeping costs to a minimum. When I spoke to Dave Coutts he quoted me 180 fro a custom made one piece cue with a plain ebony butt.(that was a couple of years ago though)


              • #8
                i would much rather a nice cue with nice splices than plain ebony

                the peradon i have is plain ebony its nice cue but to long and tip size to large for me


                • #9
                  if you have 80/100 pounds have a look at master cues on ebay or look at www.craftsmancues or try welsh pool trading he's bitter on the forum all these cues will knock the socks off the one your looking at.


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by Cue wizard View Post
                    i would much rather a nice cue with nice splices than plain ebony

                    the peradon i have is plain ebony its nice cue but to long and tip size to large for me
                    Are you more concerned with how a cue looks, or how it plays? If cost is a factor and given the choice, I reckon pretty much everyone here will tell you that how a cue looks comes a very distant 2nd.
                    Having said that, for 100 you could get a pretty decent off-the-shelf cue


                    • #11
                      Originally Posted by Mr O View Post
                      but that's it they lack a certain je ne sais quoi.
                      is that welsh for 'f*ck knows'
                      The Cuefather.



                      • #12
                        Na, mae o'n Ffrangeg


                        • #13
                          Originally Posted by Mr O View Post
                          Na, mae o'n Ffrangeg
                          cymraeg ha

                          im not really botherd how a cue looks at all but i dont really want to spend that much on plain ebony :/

