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Another cue refinishing thread about linseed oils and grain fillers

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  • #46
    Here is my refinished Maximus using the products above, and I’m really happy with how it has come out. The arrows in the shaft have been filled and darkened, and the Q gel has made the shaft and butt end really smooth and shiny. All in all very easy and excellent products to use.

    Last edited by andycam; 22 February 2022, 12:26 PM.


    • #47
      Originally Posted by andycam View Post
      Here is my refinished Maximus using the products above, and I’m really happy with how it has come out. The arrows in the shaft have been filled and darkened, and the Q gel has made the shaft and butt end really smooth and shiny. All in all very easy and excellent products to use.
      sorry Andy, no images showing.
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      Up the TSF! :snooker:


      • #48
        Thanks for helping me with that Dean👍👍


        • #49
          how did you find using those two products?
          Up the TSF! :snooker:


          • #50
            Yeah really easy to be honest, i was really nervous about ruining my cue, but it was a really enjoyable process. I would definitely recommend these two products. He has another product called Q -Lac which is designed specifically for the butt end of the cue I believe.


            • #51
              Nice looking cue , I’ve got exactly the same one
              I’ve just done a couple of coats of the Q Gel recently. How many coats have you done to get that finish ?


              • #52
                I put one coat on, left it on for 15 minutes and lightly buffed it afterwards. Then left it overnight and went over it with 0000 wire wool in the morning. It now feels super smooth.


                • #53
                  Originally Posted by andycam View Post
                  I put one coat on, left it on for 15 minutes and lightly buffed it afterwards. Then left it overnight and went over it with 0000 wire wool in the morning. It now feels super smooth.
                  I've ordered some of the Q Age as well so that should get a similar finish. I’m really looking to darken the shaft a bit as I’m used to a darker finish than the Maximus cues.


                  • #54
                    I did try to open the grain on the shaft by running a nylon brush over it gently in the grain direction. I think doing this first helps the grain accept the Q age a bit easier. But it does make a differece to the chevrons in particular.


                    • #55
                      Hey guys,

                      I'm starting to get tired of sanding, I have no problem with the preparatory sanding. The water-based material I'm using (Nitorlack Grain Filler) dries quite quickly, and there's a lot of sanding to do.
                      Is the Mike Wooldridge Q Age and Q Gel or the Legends filler easier to work with?

                      Are these two products, like shoe polish, easy to wipe off the excess, or do they dry quickly as well?


                      • #56
                        Hi Met,
                        I’ve used the cue age and the nitorlack. My results were better with the nitorlack but can’t say anything bad about the age stuff. I think I did it wrong with the age and didn’t sand enough before.
                        when u do everything right the age product you can get good results with both.


