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Cue Wizard

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  • Cue Wizard

    Anybody been on here?

    I am toying with the idea of getting a new cue, so as well as keeping my eyes on this forum I am stumbling around the web looking for ideas.
    In truth until I get the chance to try a few of the alternatives out I don't really know what i want.

    I found the above link and thought i would enter in what I thought I might like, it paints a pretty picture, you submit and then you get the quote:

    The cue will be Full Size 58" (147cm) in length, with a finest quality, specially selected, kiln dried Ash Shaft and a Hand Spliced Ebony Butt.

    The cue will have a Brass Quick Action 3/4 joint 12" from Butt and will fitted with 1 Large Olive Wood Splice (Front).

    You also requested to have Plum and Light Blue veneers/inlays fitted above the splice(s).

    The cue will weigh approximately 18 oz and will be fitted with a brass ferrule and a Standard 9.5mm (tolerance 0.1mm) Elkmaster tip, and the butt will be finished with a Solid Brass Peradon Disc.

    You will be supplied with a Telescopic (extends from 30" to 51") extension.

    The butt of the cue will be adapted to accept the 6" Mini Butt which will also be supplied.

    The price of this cue is 365.00
    All prices are quoted in GB pounds

    The price came as a bit of a shock to be honest, so i resubmitted the details with a plain ebony machine spliced butt and bog standard disc and the quote came out at 211 pounds.

    From what I have been reading on here Peradon is not held in that great a regard and I know you get all the bits in the quote, but even without the splices it comes out at around the same price as a MW Shark if you buy the minibutt and extension - which from what i can gather would be a far superior product.

  • #2
    you can have 20% off on cue wizard by ordering through me.


    • #3
      Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
      you can have 20% off on cue wizard by ordering through me.
      you're always looking for business aren't you XD


      • #4
        actually yes of course! but in this case i am just passing on the discount they give me to forum members!


        • #5
          How much for a Peradon??????
          You'll need that 20% discount to buy more drugs with

          I recommened a bit of browsing past threads about cue makers.


          • #6
            Its the 2 extensions which have bumped the price up, and the SD joint which is probably extra. Try it without the extensions and you can prob take 100quid off that. Still seems a lot for a single spliced peradon. Cue wizard is good but doesn't offer options for things like butt diameter etc. There is the comments box but when I ordered mine they didn't ake any notice of what I put in. Go for the Shark cue if I was you


            • #7
              I don't intend to buy through Cue Wizard, I need to sort out what I want first, and I have been reading through the other threads for recommended cue makers, I was just shocked at the price - although as Mr O says the extensions probably do make a difference.


              • #8
                Originally Posted by Watford View Post
                How much for a Peradon??????
                You'll need that 20% discount to buy more drugs with

                I recommened a bit of browsing past threads about cue makers.
                lol although actually peradon are not bad cues if you get the uk made ones with an oil finish.


                • #9
                  I agree that they aren't bad cues at all.
                  In fact as I've said before one of the best cues I ever played with was a custom made Peradon with an oil finish.
                  Would you spend £365 though or the £211 even.


                  • #10
                    umm - no i would not.


                    • #11
                      What about paying the discounted £292 or £168.80?

                      Seriously though I will be buying a cue at the end of my snooker season (June), will keep looking until then.


                      • #12
                        If you can get 20% off you can get a one piece at cuewizard for about £150.
                        The 20% makes a big difference.


                        • #13
                          It also depends how much your budget is just now and will be at the end of June! Because if it's £200 just now, then perhaps it'd be £300 at the end of June, which'd get you a 3/4 cue, mini-butt and extension from Robin Cook at today's prices and his cues are sooo much better than Peradon's it's incredible. Worth thinking about.

                          By the way, I love your name "pigeonslayer", is there a story behind it?
                          Il n'y a pas de problemes; il n'y a que des solutions qu'on n'a pas encore trouvées.

                          "Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing not to put in a fruit salad." Brian O'Driscoll.


                          • #14
                            My budget won't be much different in June to be honest - it will be around the £300 mark.

                            There is a bit of a story behind my username I suppose. Where I started playing at the social club all those years ago, anyone who wasn't that good was labelled a 'pigeon', and in jest many players would walk into the snooker room to be greeted with a few of the lads going 'coo coo'. I think that memory has stuck with me, we were messing around a few years ago coming up with nicknames for each other - and we came up with pigeonslayer - i.e. I can beat a bad player very well - but give me someone any good and I struggle!!


                            • #15
                              Originally Posted by pigeonslayer View Post
                              My budget won't be much different in June to be honest - it will be around the £300 mark.

                              There is a bit of a story behind my username I suppose. Where I started playing at the social club all those years ago, anyone who wasn't that good was labelled a 'pigeon', and in jest many players would walk into the snooker room to be greeted with a few of the lads going 'coo coo'. I think that memory has stuck with me, we were messing around a few years ago coming up with nicknames for each other - and we came up with pigeonslayer - i.e. I can beat a bad player very well - but give me someone any good and I struggle!!
                              Well, in that case, you really should think of Robin; have a look at his website, Robin cues, you won't be disappointed, I can guarantee it. His 3/4 cues are at £225 at the mo., mini-butt and joint at £40, extending extension @ £37, if memory serves correctly. That's £302 for a plain-butt cue. Add on maybe £20 - £30 for a splice + veneers, if you really want them, and it's still cheap for a 1st class cue with all the gear.

                              I like the story, it's a nice one. I think I know a few players like that too! We call no-users the same thing here in France, either that or someone who's playing really badly is playing "like a goat"! If you're really bad, you're a cross between them, which makes you a "winged goat"! So, if my username ever changes, you'll know why!!
                              Il n'y a pas de problemes; il n'y a que des solutions qu'on n'a pas encore trouvées.

                              "Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing not to put in a fruit salad." Brian O'Driscoll.

