I've acquired a 2nd hand cue that uses a strongly tapering thread in the butt for attaching extensions. At the moment it only has a 6" mini extension with it - I'd like to buy a longer telescopic extension, but in spite of a reasonable amount of web searching, I haven't been able to find anything that uses the same thread. Photo below is of the thread on the existing extension - the cylindrical knob at the end of the thread is 6mm diameter, and the circular section at the bottom of the thread is 10mm diameter. From the ease of use point of view, the thread works pretty well, as it requires less than one full turn to lock the extension in place or remove it, whereas on another cue I have, with non-tapered threads on the extensions, three or four turns are required whenever fitting or removing one.
Can anyone point me in the direction of extensions that use the same thread?
Can anyone point me in the direction of extensions that use the same thread?
