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Parris ultimate

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  • #16
    I have just send an e mail to parris cues asking them can I change delivery address. I will let you know what is the answer
    You cannot improve your game if you don't have a cue and snooker table
    BTW vucko means wolfie


    • #17
      Hopefully you will receive an answer.
      I have placed a single question more than one week ago to JP:
      In what year did you start to number your Ultimate cues.
      Just a number would have done as an answer.
      But i received nothing...
      But maybe if it is about sales it will work better.
      I am confused... Oh wait... Maybe I'm not...


      • #18
        Parris started numbering his cues back in the 80's when he started out with an original badge with his postcode on it. The Ultimate cues I think started in the mid 90's when Parris really did take off though when they actually started numbering them I don't know.


        • #19
          Hi cueman, thanks a lot for the information.
          I should have asked her instead asking John Parris themselves.
          I am confused... Oh wait... Maybe I'm not...


          • #20
            I have asked Parris is it possible that he deliver the cue to some address in UK and he told me that that one is possible. So if there is anyone who want this cue let mi know.514GBP left to be paid
            You cannot improve your game if you don't have a cue and snooker table
            BTW vucko means wolfie


            • #21
              From: Parris Cues (
              Sent: Fri 2/20/09 10:26 AM
              To: 'Marko Vukovic' (

              HI Marko

              please email through the address we will attached it to your order


              Parris Cues

              If you are not the intended recipient please delete this email and any copies of it from your system.

              Parris Cues, 5 Church Vale, Forest Hill, London SE23 2UW

              VAT Registration No 452453752

              From: Marko Vukovic []
              Sent: 19 February 2009 20:11

              My cue order is 178.
              I would like to ask you is it possible that I change delivery address? I would like that you ship cue to England?
              You cannot improve your game if you don't have a cue and snooker table
              BTW vucko means wolfie


              • #22
                if there is anyone who would like to take over on this order please let me know. If there is no interested ppl I will cancel my order tomorrow.
                You cannot improve your game if you don't have a cue and snooker table
                BTW vucko means wolfie


                • #23
                  order has been canceled...
                  You cannot improve your game if you don't have a cue and snooker table
                  BTW vucko means wolfie


                  • #24
                    That is a shame, I'm sorry you had to cancel your order and lose £100, but at the same time I'm happy you found your perfect cue!!
                    Il n'y a pas de problemes; il n'y a que des solutions qu'on n'a pas encore trouvées.

                    "Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing not to put in a fruit salad." Brian O'Driscoll.


                    • #25
                      Yes I agree with Keith. What a shame no one took up your kind offer.


                      • #26
                        Agreed. It seemed like such a good plan as well!
                        sigpic A Truly Beakerific Long Pot Sir!


                        • #27
                          well I am also very sorry because no one want to take that order. Because if you look now on JP site you will see that cues are now even more expensive... It was 150gbp saver... But I am also happy because of my Robin cue... It just gets better and better every time I pick up that piece of art...
                          You cannot improve your game if you don't have a cue and snooker table
                          BTW vucko means wolfie


                          • #28
                            I was under the impression his cues are the same price that I paid 3 years ago when I bought a 1 piece traditional.

                            Have they really gone up in price or is it just an eager sales pitch from OP? I'd be disappointed in current climate if they had.


                            • #29
                              when I ordered my ultimate the price was 440. Now it is 460. 4 snakewood splices were 72.5 and now are 92. Veneer was 2.5 per leaf and now it is 3.5. sd at the end of the butt is also now even more expensive and extensions are also more expensive then before
                              You cannot improve your game if you don't have a cue and snooker table
                              BTW vucko means wolfie


                              • #30
                                You have expensive taste my friend. Any pictures of your new cue yet?

