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  • Paypal

    Does Mike Wooldridge accept Paypal payments.
    Want to buy a cue but too frightened to ask about payment methods...seems a bit grumpy

  • #2
    ha ha ha ha ha, oh that put a smile on my face

    No Mike don't accept PayPal, send him a email through his website, he's not grumpy just the was he comes across when he types.


    • #3
      lol grumpy


      • #4
        Mike will have a smile when he reads this ... Wont be grumpy anymore!


        • #5
          Originally Posted by ferret View Post
          ha ha ha ha ha, oh that put a smile on my face

          No Mike don't accept PayPal, send him a email through his website, he's not grumpy just the was he comes across when he types.
          you are kidding right - he is a very grumpy bar steward.


          • #6
            lmao! i missed this thread. i'm the funniest miserable b*stard you're ever likely to meet

            oh yeah, i don't take paypal cos i hate it, and anyone who thinks it's safe/better needs their head tested.
            The Cuefather.



            • #7
              Originally Posted by MikeWooldridge View Post
              lmao! i missed this thread. i'm the funniest miserable b*stard you're ever likely to meet

              oh yeah, i don't take paypal cos i hate it, and anyone who thinks it's safe/better needs their head tested.
              i was wondering why you had not replied to this!


              • #8
                Originally Posted by MikeWooldridge View Post
                lmao! i missed this thread. i'm the funniest miserable b*stard you're ever likely to meet

                oh yeah, i don't take paypal cos i hate it, and anyone who thinks it's safe/better needs their head tested.
                That's a lot of messed up heads!
                MaXimumbreak - Where Everyone's a Winner
                It's now free to join!!!
                MaXimumbreak Snooker Store


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by maximumbreak View Post
                  That's a lot of messed up heads!
                  what can i say? herd mentality.

                  everyone used asbestos till they found out it kills you....

                  paypal is here for one reason and one reason only. to make the ebay owners even richer than they already are.

                  you'd think they'd be content with their over priced fee structure...
                  The Cuefather.



                  • #10
                    So Mike, erm, do you have Google checkout?


                    • #11
                      Originally Posted by Templeton Peck View Post
                      So Mike, erm, do you have Google checkout?
                      lol. i can feel my blood beginning to boil...

                      on a serious note, i already take credit card payments securely online, and have done for a few years. why would i need a third party?

                      mind you, i don't know much about google checkout. is it good?

                      i've no objection to adding a system if it's cost effective and also brings some benefit or ease of use for the customer.

                      but you can all shove your paypal up your ar*e!
                      The Cuefather.



                      • #12
                        Mike is back on form......


                        • #13
                          Mike I not got the time to install Google checkout on your site till after the snooker but to be honest you accept credit and debit cards so why would you need Google checkout? it is just another another means of porting credit card payments like paypal anyway.


                          • #14
                            I've never used Google Checkout so I couldn't really vouch for it. If you live in the same country it's probably easier and cheaper to just send a cheque, but I suppose if you don't have a credit card a third party like paypal does make it easier for international customers to pay for things.


                            • #15
                              If you don't do a lot of credit/debit card business, Paypal is quite cost effective because there's no monthly fee. However Paypal have a reputation for being a bit one-sided when it comes to claw-backs, charge-backs, reversals- call them what you will. Hasn't happened to me yet but it seems the customer is always right.

